"Creativity is just connecting things..." Steve your iPhone and enjoy the full sound at the your preferred key. Using an audio interface,
Jobs touch of a button. you can even send multiple outputs to your
As creatives, we appreciate the value of a START TOGETHER & END TOGETHER! moment, the moment when tech, music, Ask any musician who has transitioned to using Then as you play, you can dynamically
visuals and lights combine to engage hearts a click and most will tell you, they'd never go arrange on the fly or loop any section with the
with our God. But often, because of lack of back. The click is the framework for all great confidence that the cues, clicks and tracks
resources, these moments can seem out of bands. A definitive, rock steady metronome will all follow your lead seamlessly. Creating
reach for many local churches. that is totally unaffected by caffeine, lack of transitions between songs is again intuitive
sleep, or excessive passion. and can be selective ahead of time or in the
sound desk for ultimate control.
What if you could leverage all these elements
in your worship experience by harnessing the We've probably all experienced the song that power of an iPhone? What if you could "just starts off great but just keeps getting faster, or NEVER MISS A CUE AGAIN
connect things?" the one that kicks off just too fast, meaning that Playback's most requested feature is now
you end up rapping the bridge lyrics. I know available. Control lyrics and lights directly from
Did you know that the iPhone is more powerful this happened to me more than once with “Our the app with MIDI Out, so that your team can
than the computer that put Neil Armstrong God is Greater.” focus more on the worship service and less on
on the moon? In fact, the iPhone 7 has over
the spacebar.
100,000 times the processing power of the We often say that not all bands should use equipment that landed on the moon 50 years tracks, but we do believe that all should use Playback will keep the words always in time
ago. That pretty fantastic technology in your a click. Implementing a click track, especially with your worship team as MIDI Cues will
pocket just waiting to be utilized. with a group of established musicians can be dynamically adapt to your custom song
daunting, but the payoff is enormous. No longer arrangements and live changes as you play
Let's explore four great uses of your iPhone does the drummer need to count off each song, through the setlist.
that can assist you in your worship leading. and they can play their instrument with creativity rather than just keeping time. Guitarists can dial Playback can communicate with any software
PROVIDE A FULL SOUND NO MATTER THE SIZE OF in accurate tempo-based effects and avoid a or hardware that receives MIDI Notes, including
YOUR TEAM constant tap dance throughout the song and ProPresenter. Each song in your setlist has the
Ambient Pads are sonic foundations that can so on. power to switch the slides to the correct song
enhance any worship environment. These
atmospheric tones are designed to fill out the Again, has you covered here sound of a band with any tempo or chord as you can add a click track in the tempo and Route MIDI to your lighting software to
progression. Whether you're creating seamless time signature of your choice to your chosen automate your scene changes, control patch
transitions, laying a foundation for a stripped- pad sound all inside of Playback. In fact, you changes on your keyboard rig, or even dial in
down set, or gluing together a full band, could download Playback for free, add the free your chosen Kemper profile!
Ambient Pads are the best way to fill out a Ambient Pad and start your band transitioning song. These pads contain the 1 and 5 of any to using a click in your rehearsals today.
key and can be played continuously throughout
any song.
allow Playback to complete your sound, solidify
ADD THOSE MISSING PARTS your team, and become your entire production
With your band now successfully transitioned hub too!
Introducing Ambient Pads is really easy. Simply to using a click, the creative possibilities swing
choose your sound from and wide open. Download the original parts from
the Pad can be downloaded for use in a variety your favorite worship songs; there are over
of applications or accessed directly within 12,000 to choose from. Edit the arrangement
Playback, our iOS-based app. Press play on and decide on your instrument mix and select
Make the most of your iPhone or iPad and
December 2019
Find out more at
Kristian Ponsford
Director of Products & Market Development
at, and he is passionate about
helping worship leaders lead worship well.
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