Paul talks about why do I these things that I are just a much a part of the band as us. We [Andrew] I play mostly digital things although
don’t want to do. I’m ever aware of the sinful want to address the harder parts of life, a lot I encase my keyboard in an upright piano shell.
nature, even though I’ve been redeemed by of darkness in life. This side of heaven, a lot I run lots of sounds through Mainstage. I love
the blood of Jesus. When I think of that song of time life just sucks. We want to be candid creating soundscapes and different ambiences.
it just reminds me of the joy of my salvation. I about that. We all have stories through different I’ll be the mad scientist back there just making
love when David says, “Restore unto me the decades of life and have grown kids in this noise. I also play a 12-string mandolin guitar
joy of my salvation”. When you first become band. I have five daughters, pray for me, we like what Scott plays.
a believer and you first taste forgiveness, and all have our stories. Franni and Andrew are in what it means that Christ died for our sins, it’s their stages. But we have all been through a [Ed] I play a Taylor Brazilian rosewood cedar
an elating experience. But that doesn’t mean lot of tough stuff and want to write songs that top acoustic that I’ve had for about twenty
life is going to be dancing through fields with talk about that. We really believe that when you years. I love that thing. I actually just built a
roses and lilies, and all peachy keen. That is so are vulnerable as you sing vulnerability about guitar with my youngest son. I’m so proud of
not the case often. Life is hard. It’s trials and the flesh it makes room for the Spirit to come it, and I just put a pick-up in. I’m so excited to
struggles. I love that song. On the surface it meet us and then takes us to the throne room use it.
might appear to be this fun wild expression of of God to sing high praise. Sing with people. joy. For me there is a lot of deep meaning. I Be vulnerable. Out of the messiness of our flesh [WM] Where would you park the We the
really think about what I was actually looking recognize we have this perfect Father. Kingdom Food Truck and what would you
for. I love the line, “Holy water on my skin”. To
me the world puts a lot of emphasis on the [WM] What are your current instruments of
senses. To me what we are ultimately looking choice, used onstage?
[Franni] Last night I went to an arcade in
for when we are after sensual comfort is the
Nashville and they had a Mac Shack. It was so
embrace of the Father. Reminds me of being [Martin] I use a 1971 Buddy Rich kit. I love fun; chili, pesto, bacon. I think I would have to
baptized in the Jordan River. When I hit that the vintage style and tones. On “Holy Water” do mac n’ cheese. It’s just so good. You can do
water, I was like, “Oh, my Gosh. This is what it I’ll play a chain to give it a barbaric feel. I love just so much with it.
means to be forgiven.” mixing it up with little things like that. To inspire even other players in the audience, to inspire [Ed] An all-day breakfast truck. And I would
[WM] By the way Martin, great drums on people to think about grooves differently. attach it to the back of our bus. And people can
“Holy Water”. Powerful. Pounding. Solid. 2 and Recently we’ve been using an instrument called have breakfast with us all day.
4 never sounded better. And yet you threw in a Walkabout, like a guitar without a neck, but it some surprises. I loved it! plays like a cajon. It’s incredible and super fun [Martin] I think Andrew and I would have a
to play. sweet tooth truck. We have the sweet tooths in
[Martin] Bro, thank you so much.
the group. Chocolates and Beignets.
[Scott] I play an old Telecaster through a
[WM] We the Kingdom is on tour this Fall, Vox. It’s one of my favorite things. We have a [Scott] I would have the most incredible wood
and again next year. What are you hoping to mandolin that is strung like a guitar made by fired pizza that would blow your mind.
accomplish with the tour and your EP release? Goldtone. We were playing a Christmas concert What is We the Kingdom’s vision? last year and wanted to see how the mandolin [WM] Thank you all so much. I’ve really
would sound through my pedal board and the enjoyed this time and am very excited about
[Scott] Our main vision is to acknowledge Vox amp. So it has the wild sound when you what you do. It’s going to have impact on
that worship is not about five people on stage. put all those together. people and mix up the “formula” a bit for labels
When Andrew said that name it really struck a
and touring groups. Best wishes.
chord in all of our hearts. Our hope and desire
Visit We the Kingdom on tour or online at:
that every time we get to worship with folks in
the room that our favorite member of the band
is the audience. We have an amazing privilege.
We get to stand in front of people and hear
them sing at us. They hear just a few voices,
but we hear a choir. Our hope is to go out and
worship with folks and for them to feel like they
God So Loved
December 2019
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