If you feel that playing drums in church means instrument. For myself and my students this is are you hitting each element of the kit? Are
you can play sloppy you need to repent! Really! a must! When I miss it, I feel it… but I don’t beat you staying right on the click? How is your
I mean to “change the way you think” about myself up about missing a day or two. I just posture? Keeping breathing. How do the sticks
it. We are designed by God to give our best jump back into the routine if I fall away from it. feel in your hands? How does your grip look?
offerings to Him. This doesn’t mean to be a Stay positive and don’t allow discouragement Does your groove and feel stay consistent as
stressed out perfectionist either. Enjoy the to slow you down. Look for any musical you play for 4 bars, 8 bars, through every fill,
process. But it does mean we should always inspiration to motivate the routine. This might be and through the entire song or exercise you’re
do our best and continue to strive to sharpen new music you’re hearing or an amazing video working on? OH… and watch out for that
our skills. Being faithful to the talents the Lord that inspired you. If none of that is happening… “squirrel” -- that distraction. Don’t let anything
has placed in us is a lifelong journey of growth then you have to dig deeper into the discipline stop you or interfere with the music.
and refining. So what does this look like in our of “just do it” because it’s good for you.
daily lives?
4. Simplify your playing! Don’t take on too
2. Within your scheduled practice time think much too soon. This is extremely vital to
1. Well, the word daily is one of the steps of about what you want to work on. Pray and ask developing great performances. It’s better to
growing in any skill. A daily routine is extremely the Lord for wisdom and then make a plan. play a perfect groove or fill than to make it more
important. And this applies to every aspect of He really does help us in all things. My general technically challenging than you can execute
our lives. Any work we do, health goals, artistic approach is a combination of rudiments, well. I’ve watched many students and good
endeavors all require some daily scheduling to reading, groove concepts, learning songs, and drummers in a band just trying to play too
see the results we want. I always recommend soloing. I mix these ideas up, as I feel inspired much. It almost always robbed them of a better
at least an hour of focused discipline on your to do so. Sometimes I focus more on one thing, performance. This is always a problem. One of
but in the course of several days or a week I the best exercises I’ve taught every student to
will hit all of those topics. As my title stated my overcome this is to play the same pattern for
goal is perfection and accuracy, but I never let it at least 8 bars without changing it. No fills in
become an overwhelming feeling. After all, only the 4 th bar. Just the one idea for 8 measures!
God is perfect… well, maybe Buddy Rich too. Then… maybe a fill in the 8 th bar, and then go
right back into the same groove. Make that
3. Working On Perfection. – This could be the feel great first and then create variations of the
most challenging aspect of a musician’s life. groove as you play the same feel for at least
Yes, it is the goal, but you can’t let it become a five minutes.
hindrance. Maybe a better word is “excellence.”
No one is perfect. Either way, it is truly what Perfection or excellence is a life long journey
we are trying to achieve in any performance. for every musician. It can be achieved to some
So when we practice we should focus on every degree if you apply these general concepts to
detail of what we’re doing. Oddly enough, we your playing. Contact me if you want some
also have to focus on being totally relaxed to coaching or private lessons either “on-line” or
achieve it… while we’re doing the work we right here in Nashville. I hope to hear from you
have to keep cool. Athletes call this “putting soon. Peace, Carl
on my game face.” When they are in the game
they focus on the job and don’t let anything
else steal their concentration. Extreme tension
in the mind and body is not good for a perfect
performance. So breathe and step into a realm
of being hyper-focused when you play. Listen to
every detail and nuance of what you are doing.
Carl Albrecht
Professional drummer for 30+ years, playing with
Paul Baloche, Don Moen, Ron Kenoly, Abe Laboriel,
LeAnn Rimes and others. He’s also a clinician,
author & pastor. Contact Carl for coaching, online
lessons, producing, or sessions. I’m still growing too..
[email protected]
How do your drums sound? How consistently
December 2019
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