[Alex] I told a producer not long ago that we always found that I needed to mix my cymbals. default posture for most humans, and I’m the
didn’t use click tracks back in the 70’s. He I love Paiste crashes for their brightness, K’s chief of all sinners. But we increase our ability to
asked me, “What did you do”? I told him that for high hats, and a mix of ride cymbals that lead worship effectively when we repent of our
we didn’t drink coffee and depended upon our are light on any overriding tones. I also have pride and play our instruments with “confident
inner time clock”. some off-brands and cheapo-knock offs (China humility”. In all candor, I tend to think that the
cymbals and splashes) that are just plain fun Western church has made the worship team a
and interesting in sound. bit too visible. I wonder if that makes us feel
[WM] What is your current kit of choice?
more important than we ought, and fuels the
[Scott] I recently partnered with WFL III [WM] What was your biggest musical pride problem I just talked about. I also wonder if
Drums. They’re fantastic - basically late-1960’s challenge and how did you overcome it? Was it it’s difficult for a congregation to engage in pure
era Ludwigs with the benefit of some modern in live performance or in the studio? worship when the visuals are so stimulating. I’m
tech in the way the drums are constructed. My
not sure what the solution is, but it’s something
back started giving me trouble about 12 years [Scott] It’s hard to pick just one. But I’ll relay ago, so I try to keep my set-up pretty tight in this story: Growing up in Los Angeles, I learned order to avoid excessive twisting or turning. to read standard music notation. After moving [Alex] It’s only by God’s grace that we get to
Most of the time, I’m using two toms. to Nashville, I was quickly exposed to number do what we do. Remain humble, yet ready, and
charts. They are incredibly intuitive for most Pop have a good attitude.
I’ve been thinking about.
[Alex] I am really excited and honored to be music, but completely different from standard interviewing William F. Ludwig III for the January notation. If the number chart becomes your [WM] What advise do you offer aspiring young
NAMM issue! norm, your standard notation reading might drummers?
get a bit rusty. Also, I should clarify, there are
[WM] How important are great cymbals? Do typical, challenging standard notation drum [Scott] Again, humility. Although, ironically,
you think most drummers understand the many charts… and then there’s West Side Story. And, you need to be confident in your ability.
nuances that a good cymbal is capable of? sight-reading West Side Story during a 4-day Remember that word gets around fast. So,
recording session with a full orchestra might be whether you nail your first few engagements, or
the hardest thing I’ve ever done. mess them up, you'll be amazed at how quickly
[Scott] The importance of great cymbals can’t
be overstated. In addition to drumming, I’ve
word travels. So, be prepared. Practice with a
done a lot of production and mix engineering. [Alex] For me, it was going on the road with metronome (at multiple tempos) until you don’t
Getting my hands dirty in that realm has Andraé Crouch without any rehearsals. I was notice it anymore. Listen to all kinds of music.
made me realize how critically important great scared to death, but Andraé was gracious. Develop a wide musical vocabulary. And,
cymbals can be. And, I’ve always been an Early on, every session was challenging until always… play the song, not the drums!
enthusiastic Zildjian guy. I change out Ride I got the hang of it. I probably recorded 40 cymbals and Hi-Hats all the time depending on albums being paid only $2.50 per hour. But the song, but my Crashes (for the last several it was great experience, and I learned how to years) have been K Darks. I use an 18” Medium track three tunes in three hours. The key to Thin, and a 19” Thin. They cut through on playing well in any genre is expressing a feel downbeats where I need to make the scene that is believable.
[Alex] Amen and Amen!
[WM] Thank you both for your answers.
Scott Williamson’s endorsements are:
change, but they don’t take up the sonic space
that needs to be occupied by other elements of [WM] When playing on a worship team, how Zildjian Cymbals
the recording. do you stay focused on the purpose of why you Vic Firth Drumsticks
are there?
[Alex] As in Jazz music, cymbals are an
incredible component to good worship music [Scott] Every musician on the worship
accompaniment. The nuances and flavors team is leading worship. Obviously, there is a
of great cymbals, like Scott said, cannot be Lead-Worshipper, and that isn't my role as a
overstated. Every cymbal has a palette of colors drummer. But, each member of the team needs
to support the music being expressed. You to recognize the responsibility he/she has been
are the painter, enhancing the mood, texture, given. And, the drummer’s role (in most cases)
emotion, and sensibilities of the piece. I’ve is an authoritative one. Now, humility isn’t the
December 2019
Alex MacDougall
Former member of Daniel Amos (DA), Larry
Norman Band, Randy Stonehill Band, and the
Richie Furay Band. He’s also worked with Andrae
Crouch, Bob Bennett, Phil Keaggy, and hundreds
of additional artists and projects. He serves as an
Adjunct Professor, teaching in Music Business at
Dallas Baptist University and Trevecca Nazarene
University’s National Praise and Worship Institute, in
Nashville, TN. Alex is available for lecture, teaching,
and conference workshops.
[email protected]
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