Although I was looking specifically for an The Taylor 150E was the only guitar that didn’t After visiting the stores several times over a
acoustic 12-string, I saw this Danelectro require a lot of tuning when taking it off the couple of days to play the guitars back to
12SDC hollowbody electric and had to give it wall. I was struck by the overall warm tone back, I was happy with what I had found. I
a try. It felt quite playable. It’s bright jangly tone from the dreadnought body; it was really lush would also consider a used one of any of these
would definitely cut through a mix and would but with enough brightness to cut through in aforementioned models too.
need some EQ to fill in. It was a fun 12-string a band mix. The finish, Sitka spruce top, and with a cool vintage look. maple sides were beautiful. When I plugged in You may want to take these same models out
STREET PRICE: $449 to an amp, I was surprised to discover that this for a test drive and see what clicks for yourself.
model sounded just as full as it did acoustically If it feels good, looks great, sounds awesome,
without equalization. However, the output level and most importantly, makes you want to
was considerably lower. There is no built-in play… that just might be the one to buy!
tuner or EQ control.
December 2019
Timothy J Miller
Has served in worship for over 30 years in small,
medium, large, and multi-site churches. In addition
to being the technology director at Bayside
Community Church - WSC (an 8-campus, 12k+
congregation along Florida’s Gulf Coast), he
writes for church leadership and worship-related
publications. His recent book, Born For Worship:
The Best You Can Be In Worship Arts Ministry, uses
mini-chapters to help teams and individuals explore
the biblical foundations that result in growth and
effective service.
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