Some songs simply beg for that full 12-string CRITERIA out? Are the body materials, top, finish and
acoustic guitar sound. Perhaps you could try Perhaps you’re more gutsy than me when hardware appealing? Can I trust the electronics
a workaround like stringing a second acoustic buying guitars, but I need to play a guitar to to go the distance?
with only the high strings from a 12-guitar test its physicality. That’s why I’m thankful string set; however, not only does that require for brick and mortar stores. Before making For our pocketbook, we set on a total budget
a second acoustic guitarist with a spare guitar, an investment, I have to know that the guitar of $450-$900. That needed to cover the guitar
but both guitarists must strum identical patterns feels right. Will the neck width tire my hand too itself, case, strap, and a tuner. This allowed for
or it just doesn’t sound right. I guess you could quickly? Do I like the action? How does it fret? the quality range that would meet our needs
dial in a Line 6 Variax or try to fake it with pedals. Does the position of the controls, strap, and and removed more entry-level guitars from the
But why? Especially considering that today’s plug work with my playing style? If I’m finger list of possibilities.
12-string guitars offer that full 12-string sound picking, am I limited to both the low and the with the brightness needed to cut through a high string only, or can I pluck them individually? We tried a number of looks and finishes. While
mix and better ability to stay in tune. Oh, and Does the shape of the guitar body fit my own? several models in this price range offer color
they’re pretty reasonable cost-wise.
variations, we found ourselves drawn to the
For my style, I sought a naturally warm acoustic traditional natural finishes. But the point is that
My wife loves working with a 12-string guitar. guitar tone with enough high end to cut through you have options.
It’s her primary go-to instrument for both in a mix without being overly jangly. The pickup writing and worshiping. But we gave hers to system needs to produce natural tone through After considering these factors and playing
our daughter as a wedding present a couple of an amp without requiring extensive equalization. a selection of instruments, the conclusion
years ago. Now it’s time for another.
ultimately came down to the one question that
Overall quality will keep me coming back to every serious guitarist will ask. Which guitar
So, I set out to buy the perfect mid-priced an instrument. Does it hold its tuning and most makes me want to play?
12-string guitar. Here’s what I found. intonation? Are the neck, fretboard, and frets
properly set up and aligned? Does the body IMPRESSIONS
craftsmanship tell me that this is a well-built Here are the guitars we spent the most
instrument that will endure the rigors of playing time with.
December 2019
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