[Andrew] Back in early college before I In an age of ageism which has crept into the Walker thirteen years ago, as we talked about
moved to Nashville, I had the name We the church and has been affecting worship teams, earlier. When I met Tommy I was just absolutely
Kingdom in my heart. I grew up in church you defy the odds. I applaud you. Tell us about blown away. First off, by his love for God.
playing music, and that’s where I developed this, and how Andrew came into the group? Seemingly by his immunity to age. To me in the
grand scheme of life, Scripture talks about it;
my skill as a musician, worship leader, and
writer. So I had social media for that name,
[Ed] I had the pleasure of working with Tommy
“Man is just a breath, we pass so quickly.” From
and bought the website. I was really excited the world’s perspective, we see wrinkles or gray
about this band We the Kingdom that God hair. It’s a fear that I fight. I’m 48. In this industry
was getting together. We were going to hit
the road, and then nothing really happened
with it. I moved to Nashville and started doing
production. All of us had been artists and were
really interested in the artist career at one time
in our life. And then God opened up doors for
us. Seven years later we were sitting around a
hot tub. We wrote a song called “Dancing On
The Waves”. That really sparked something in
all of us. I described it once as a seed we forgot
that was there. You bury it, and move on with
life then you see a thing that is growing. Then I
thought, well, I have the name We the Kingdom
already on social media and everything. So it
was really beautiful to see God bring that back
to life in all our hearts. There is such a passion
because we see that only God could do that.
[WM] And Ed, I’m sure that you did not
leave your work “at the office”, as two of your
children, Franni and Martin, are in the group as
well. Maybe they should answer this question.
What was music’s impact within your daily lives
like at home? Franni, you are an extremely
gifted singer and frontwoman!
[Franni] Thank you so much. Growing up in
the studio was such a blessing. I remember
being a little kid at the studio watching different
artists create their records and Dad would have
me come up and sing background vocals at a
very young age. I wasn’t any good at it, but it
was cool to learn what that was like and how to
sing. It was cool and super fun to hear records
and songs before they ever came anything, to
appreciate them then before everyone else. It
was awesome.
[WM] One of the things that I really appreciate
about We the Kingdom is that you are in fact,
“In this industry
48-year old men
are considered
dinosaurs… Age
is a relative thing.
It is tragic though
that we aren’t
more aware of
the wisdom that
people who have
There’s a lot of young amazing talent, so I think
I have to stay current. I’ve sought the Lord and
He said, “Be who you are and rest in that.”
Sometimes I struggle with that on a daily basis
but ultimately, we are all just a step away from
heaven. In that light, age is a relative thing. It is
tragic though that we aren’t more aware of the
wisdom that people who have been walking for
a long time can bring to the table. At the same
time we can forget the joy and vigor of youth
and what that brings to the table. Martin who
is a twenty-year-old man has so much fire and
vigor it’s just crazy. Franni too. And Andrew as
well, who is thirty.
[WM] And Andrew, how did you come into the
[Andrew] I loved music so much and was
praying about an opportunity for how I could
been walking
move to Nashville. I wanted to grow in the writing
for a long time
can bring to the
of music, the playing of it, and the producing
of it. I heard about a studio internship with Ed
and it turned out I got it. And then Scott had
been doing a Young Life event for a long time.
One event right outside of Atlanta, Georgia, we
table. At the
probably did for four or five years in a row. One
same time, we
can forget the
year some of the band members (before we
were a band) were there, and I wanted to write
a song for the kids that were there for summer
camp. And that’s how the band started.
joy and vigor of [Ed] Andrew is a master of all trades.
youth and what [WM] Capitol Christian Music Group (Sparrow
that brings to the
table.” ~ Ed Cash
Records) has recently released your debut EP,
Live at the Wheelhouse, and most of the songs
are co-written by all five of you, and all five of
you produced the project. The song, “Dancing
on the Waves”, is an anthemic, 6/8, worship
a multi- generational musical worshiping group.
48-year old men are considered dinosaurs.
December 2019
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