[WM] What would you like to say to the [WM] Who are some of the Gretsch players [WM] What are some of your favorite tracks
folks at Gretsch in celebration of their 135th who have most inspired and why? that you cut using a Gretsch?
[Jeffrey] For sure Malcom Young. I feel like [Jeffrey] Hands down, my favorite Gretsch
[Saint Pope] Man, I’d just like to say thank he sort of defined and invented that rhythm tones we've gotten are on our Live From New
you to Ron Mancuso and Mike Taft for their Gretsch sound. It's a sound I often still try and York album. I think all the tracks came out
generosity and for including me on the Gretsch replicate when I pick up a Gretsch. sonically really good, and I'm proud of the White
team. I’m honored to be able to own such
Falcon tones I got on that record. Especially
iconic guitars and I wish Gretsch 135 more [WM] What about Gretsch guitars makes the track "God is Coming". It was recorded
years of making rad guitars! them great for Worship music? with a White Falcon, Korg SDD300 rack delay,
JEFFREY KUNDE [Jeffrey] Worship music has become a genre If Jeffrey has a nickname, we’re not privy to it! of ‘big and wide’. Especially with all the live Another potential unknown is the fact that he’s albums out now, Worship albums are really [WM] What would you like to say to the
way less serious than he looks in the photos some of the ‘biggest’ sounding recordings in folks at Gretsch in celebration of their 135th
and videos. But that’s not to say that he’s the industry right now. Gretsch guitars have Anniversary?
not a serious musician. He’s got a degree in been a great vehicle for us to get that bigness music, has a growing collection of great books and width. We use Filter’Trons in our Gretsches, [Jeffrey]
for worship musicians, as well as a guitar which naturally have a width and bigness that Everything new this year has been fantastic.
course, and has a substantial list of production no other pickup and guitar can recreate. It's I think Gretsch's new line has been their best
and recording credits. And then there’s Jesus truly iconic, and has been a perfect fit for us in stuff yet, and I'm not just saying that. I really
Culture! Jeffrey knows parts and textures and this industry. believe it. The 2018 roll out was amazing. I
and two 90's AC30's through a vintage Neve
has crafted some of the catchiest guitar lines
can't wait to play what comes next.
out there…
[WM] When did you get your first Gretsch, Another guy without a nickname! Before
what model was it, and do you still own it? moving to Nashville and launching London’s
solo career, Lance and London Gatch were
[Jeffrey] It was a 2005 Black Duo Jet (big key members of the Elevation Worship Team.
headstock, old logo) and yes, I still have it and Lance’s catchy guitar hooks and solos are all
love it! It's one of my favorite guitars.
Jesus Culture // “God Is Coming”
December 2018
over EW’s breakout song “Give Me Faith”. This
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