photo by Brooke Bennett
resonance of it in the culture. If it is true, then all that I am thinking of it in terms of, “No, for real, I is like a George Jones hint with a tie-back to
of us humans are trying to figure it out from the am going to leave… my Spirit will be with you”. the very first album. And then we are off and
beginning of time. We have told ghost stories And that kind of wrecked me a little bit. So, I running talking about ‘I know a Ghost’.
over and over, but I had never heard anything started pretty strong, I connected the first lyric like that. I have never heard the Holy Spirit with “there is still neon in these panes” which
It is like party music but it is also kind of heavy.
talked about in terms that someone with no How do we get through this thing in life while
context, as far as church goes, could identify carrying the story of God amongst us and in
with. Like if you are sitting next to someone on us? That is where the title of the record was in
a plane and start talking about, “What do you my head when writing it.
think? Do you think this is all there is? Have you
ever seen a ghost?” (laughing). And you are [WM] If bending musical genres was a criminal
like, “Man, I know a Ghost!” So, to me it was offense, you would be ‘three strikes you’re
this bizarre wake up moment like man, I don’t out’. From stripped back swampy tones to full
even know how to begin to approach this now
I Know a Ghost // Crowder
December 2018
orchestral theatrical sampled ‘hits’ – all in the
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