Worship Musician December 2018 | Page 79

suddenly the whole fret board changed and but is really a G, then I can let a few notes ring kind of because this series of GCDEm chords out and suddenly if you take away a few singers [Daniel] I’ve really been encouraged over all the way through the whole fret board. You and take away the low notes you’ve got what the years, so I would say that having your own start to kind of memorize that and the whole is like a G chord and suddenly you’ve got these unique voice is really valuable to your team. thing unlocks. really interesting voicings. You’re one of a kind. We all try to emulate our Early on you might learn your octaves, so if you That’s what I’m always searching for, a new lot. And I think that’s good. If I had any advice learn that you go down two strings and over two voicing on a chord, or a new inversion on a it would be to try to learn to be okay with frets and that’s an octave and that’s how you chord where I can add a note to it that’s a little who you are. And that’s a hard thing to learn get to the B string, well then you start realizing different than what I normally play over that as a musician because you want to compare that you know where all of your G notes are chord. And as far as how many notes are in it yourself to everyone else, and I still struggle with on the fret board. The CAGED term was not I’ve never once thought about that (laughs). It’s that too, we all do. I struggle with comparison something I knew until maybe two years ago. never occurred to me that the CAGED system as much as the next guy because it’s so hard Before that it was just kind of my own brain had any number of notes. For me it’s all based not to in the musician world. But I think the solving the puzzle. When I first started playing on what I hear, it’s melodic, so if I can get this more you can get comfortable with, “I’m going guitar the fret board was such a mystery to me, chord to have this note in it that I want it to to do my very best to get better and to grow and I basically just wanted to solve the puzzle. have, or if I hear this particular note… I want to and to learn, but at the end of the day I’m me, You know what I’m talking about, every guitar hear this particular note up against this vocal and what I bring to the table is going to sound player looks at this puzzle that they can’t solve melody on this chorus. That’s kind of what I’m like me.” I think that’s a valuable lesson to learn, for their whole life, and I’m still trying to solve it. searching for rather than limiting myself to a when you can finally start to grow comfortable But that has been a huge help to me, I didn’t certain number of notes. with yourself and feel like, “Hey, this is what I’m heroes, but you end up sounding like yourself a know to call it CAGED, but it’s been a huge help able to do, and I’m going to keep stretching, for me to learn these chord shapes because [WM] Is there anything else you think is they sound so different. It’s like if I slide up to valuable for people to know or be thinking the tenth fret and play what looks like a C chord about in approaching these songs? December 2018 and keep learning, but right now this is me.” Sign up for our Newsletter... 79