I have songs where I switch three times from
instruments and bouzouki is pretty creative.
electric guitar to violin, and then back to electric
guitar in the same song.
during the middle of a song, but definitely
between songs.
[WM] It's pretty awesome to have that kind
of flexibility in a group of musicians, where you [WM] Wait. Back up a second. What exactly is
That is a challenge, planning my changes out are just passing the instruments around to a cigar box? Is that what it sounds like?
so it doesn’t look like I'm rushing or I'm behind each other.
the change. Ultimately, between me and Kenny,
[BJ] Yeah, it's exactly the way it sounds.
there's a lot of mandolin that gets played on [BJ] Yeah, the band is like a giant collection It’s basically an old wooden cigar box that
the shows. of utility position players. Even David switches someone has figured out, “Hey, we can put a
a lot too. I don't think he plays the same neck on this thing and put some strings on it,
[WM] Do you still carry around a bouzouki for instrument two songs in a row. He'll switch from put a pickup in it and make a guitar out of it.”
the shows? one acoustic to a different acoustic that has And that's exactly what it is.
got a different sound; or two or three different
[BJ] Yes, we do. David plays it and I play it electric guitars. He’s played bouzouki; he’s Somebody gave us a couple of those a couple
sometimes. It's something that still plays a role played the cigar box electric guitar; he switches of years ago. They have single coil pickups and
in his music just because he's all about creative just as much as the rest of us do. Maybe not a volume knob and they typically have three
December 2018
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