to use it and take care of it and maintain it. that must have made you really proud. Noting I was brought up being taught how to treat
Throughout those years I was honing my that you took a year off from singing to recover people in the right way, and I’ve treated people
songwriting skills and my guitar playing skills, from a vocal nodule, at a certain point we all the way I want to be treated. So that translated
and working on my voice. Then I met my wife, start looking in the mirror asking what our easily for me into being my own boss and how
she’s a talented musician in her own right and contribution is beyond our gifting. What are to take care of my employees. I wouldn’t call
came from a completely different perspective. some of the things you’d most like to be myself a savvy businessman necessarily, but I
Then eventually, after I got my record deal remembered for? do know how to treat people and how to take
and after we got married, we got tired of me
care of my people. So hopefully one day when
being on the road and her being at home so [Josh] You kind of touched on it, just being people get to looking back they’ll say that Josh
we decided to go on the road together and she a great husband and father, and just being a treated everybody the same.
eventually became an official member of my great boss. You know, that’s the one thing that band for over ten years now. Our three oldest a lot of the fans don’t give any thought to is [WM] Thanks again for joining us. Is there
children basically grew up on the road. It’s that someone in my position, I have to be my anything else you’d like to add?
something that just kind of happened naturally own boss. I have a big team of people that I and just kind of evolved into what it is now. have working for me and on my behalf. And [Josh] You’re welcome, and I would just direct
that’s something that I wasn’t prepared for people to and they can just
[WM] Speaking of family, you’ve got everyone when I was in high school growing up in South stay up to date with me.
in the mix on for “The River (of Happiness)”. Carolina. Nobody prepared me for the business As a believer, husband, father, and musician side of things. The good thing for me is that
photo by Michael Gomez
December 2018
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