more into God. You know, a bunch of college
students, just hungry, we weren’t trying to start
a movement or start a brand, but just wanted
God’s will. And He turned our little private
prayer meeting in my dorm room public, and
it’s gone to over three hundred cities around the
greatest refugee crisis of our generation. And is your vision for the path to lasting peace in world now. We’re just as surprised as anybody
obviously post-ISIS and the different wars have this region? and humbled by how much He’s done in such
just really led to a fractured community, and
a short amount of time. And we have initiatives,
just so much sadness and hopelessness, and [Sean] I think there are no answers without training school, summits and online programs
so much need for the gospel and for the love Jesus. First of all, he was Middle Eastern, the to raise people up, and there are just a lot of
of Jesus practically. So every year we gather Bible is Middle Eastern, the whole culture of amazing things happening in our world.
together and we raise money to fund a project the New Testament, and the Old Testament, to bless the people there. It’s just such an is Middle Eastern. It’s the ancient roots of [WM] Iraq is not the only place on your radar
amazing time to see artists and creative’s get civilization but also the roots of the gospel. I feel as you circle the globe. I came across a video
together and utilize their creative and artistic like the short answer is that Jesus is the hope of you and Darlene Zschech that was shot in
gifting for the purpose of reaching out to some for the nation. One of our newly converted and India. How did Darls get into the mix on what
of the most oppressed and marginalized people baptized Muslim families say they just pray you’re doing to bring the Gospel to the far
in the world. over ever refugee camp that they pass. I also corners of the earth?
feel like it’s the churches job and believer’s
[WM] Religion, politics, and oil have made jobs to literally become the hands and feet of [Sean] That was really cool, we connected in
the Middle East a tumultuous region for literally Jesus and go to these lands and reach out India. Darlene just happened to be over there
thousands of years. In the natural it is hard and bring love and hope and edification and at the same time I was and we connected and
to image peace there, but as a believer what encouragement. So that’s what our heart is to ended up leading worship together at this big
do, even through the soundtrack of this record. church in Mumbai. It was just so fun, it was
We prayed that it would compel people to go a surprise to me and I think a surprise to her.
and to do something. But again, it’s cool how two people chasing the
destiny of God over their life would happen to
[WM] How did burn 24-7 get started?
bump into each other. I would say most of my
friendships throughout the years have been
[Sean] That was started sort of accidentally in
divine connections in places like that.
my college dorm room on a university campus,
Sean Feucht and Darlene Zschech in India
and we just kind of had a heart to press
December 2018
[WM] I heard you use the phrase “furnace of
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