[Sean] I think it was some kind of crazy God
thing how I got featured on the website. I kind
of approached some of their German guys, I
was over there doing a tour and they came
for one of the nights and I was talking about
my passion for amazing instruments. At that
time, specifically it was more acoustic, I have a
variety of acoustics that I travel with. And they
really wanted me to try a Duesenberg, and I
think the first guitar that I tried of theirs was the
Imperial, which is a bigger hollow body electric,
and I just loved it. I fell in love with it, began to
play that a little bit. Especially for leading more
chill sets that are more broken down, it’s just
kind of fun to do it on a big warm electric guitar.
So that was really fun and we just built a great
relationship through the years, and I have a
couple of their guitars that I still play today.
[WM] Do you ever get ribbed by the ‘Veritas
crew’ at Bethel?
[Sean] (laughs) I don’t really care to be honest
with you, because I’m not a big electric gear
head. I think those guitars are probably great
if you’re an electric guitar player but I probably
wouldn’t lead with one. I’m okay being the guy
that doesn’t play them, not that I’m against
them or anything, but I really just fell in love with
the Duesenberg guitars and haven’t had any
reason to change.
[WM] I saw a photo on your Instagram feed
with James Goodall guitars, the father and son
team. How did you get connected with them
and their lovely guitars?
[Sean] They came to a worship event that I
was doing out on the coast of California a few
years ago, and our hearts really connected. I
actually didn’t even know it was them, I had
been a massive fan of their guitars for years. I’d
heard John Mayer talk about them, and Dave
Matthews, and so many other people, and I’d
always wanted to meet them. I didn’t know
that they were believers, I didn’t know that it
was a father and son team, I didn’t know that
they put more time into making their guitars
than any other acoustic guitar company. And
December 2018
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