That moment was significant for me because [Jacob] I really believe in my wife. I think she producing demos. Learning how to create
that was the very first song I sang on a stage at has an extremely special gift, and an extremely magic with just a vocal, piano, and pad is great
the age of six. rare heart. I’m so thankful to do this with her. practice to produce a full band.
We just want the work of our hands and the
It was like God transported me back to that obedience of our hearts to have an impact in [Meredith] Write from your heart. Get
little girl singing that little song, and I realized yet the world. I hope these songs affirm callings, involved in your local church. Serve where there
again… that has always been it for me. My goal restore marriages, and bring prodigals home. is a need. Be faithful where He calls you. God
in all of this is to please the Lord, to live fully
is fully capable of opening doors that no man
surrendered and be obedient in every season. [WM] Lastly, what advice do you both have for can shut. Allow Him to do a deep work in you,
What He does with my offering is up to Him. worship leaders who want to write and produce that is necessary, before He does something
Above all, I hope this EP ushers people into a their own music? extraordinary through you.
transforms the way they see who He is and [Jacob] Co-write, co-write, co-write. The best [WM] Thank you both for your insights!
who they are. When we truly experience the way to learn to write is to write with someone presence of God and respond with worship, better than you. Then when you have a song, we are changed. produce the demo. I learned to produce by
deeper encounter with the Living God, one that
December 2018
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