I also lean pretty heavily on my Juno 106, and night and listening for what God was saying [Jacob] They’re incredible! They were so
my Mellotron. I used to run a dual tracks rig about all He wanted to accomplish, and the kind to let us write the song with them. I think
with a switcher, which is what we used on the pictures, vision, and direction the Lord gave us they have the purest hearts and are both
Summer Lights tour. But for this live recording, was astounding. extremely talented.
[WM] At one point in the evening you guys [WM] Meredith, were the band members
brought out two young artists - Abbie Simmons that night your usual band that you tour with,
[WM] Meredith, were there any influences & Cody Ray Lee – for the song “Faith and or were they people on The Belonging’s
musically Wonder”. Tell us about the song and also worship team?
I ran tracks on one computer and ran my soft-
synths on another.
this project? about them? [Meredith] Musically speaking, I am always [Meredith] Jacob and I were visiting family in has been my drummer for about nine years,
listening to worship projects, whether live or Dallas over the summer, and set up a couple and has only missed maybe two shows with
studio. The new Kristene DiMarco and Steffany of writing sessions with worship leaders and me during that time. Kellen Mills, one of the
Gretzinger records have really spoken to me songwriters from UpperRoom while we were electric guitarists on the night, plays regularly
since their release. I love the Hillsong United there. We wrote with Abbie and Cody for the at church and has also traveled with me some
album Wonder, Kari Jobe’s The Garden, afternoon session. We immediately hit it off with over the last year or so. Dan Alber (bass) and
Battles by Rita Springer, and Kim Walker- them, and the song and conversation flowed Casey Moore (electric) are incredible musicians
Smith’s record, On My Side. From a spiritual naturally. In thinking about the live project, I who travel with other artists and also play at
standpoint, each song has its own identity and knew I wanted to feature some of my friends The Belonging. Jacob was on keys. This band
life that was what I personally needed to sing who had helped write the songs, and they just did such an amazing job that night, but some of
on the day I took part in writing it. seemed like the natural fit. Their hearts beat for my favorite video footage during the recording
worship and their gifts are straight from heaven. was when they had their hands in the air
I absolutely loved having them on the recording. in worship.
[Meredith] A little of both. Jonathan Dimmel
Leading up to the recording, I had some of
my prayer warrior friends interceding over the
December 2018
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