Interview by Bruce Adolph
Photos by Hannah Burton
In the November issue, I wrote about how I was still very much interested in the audience joining each person in attendance, as well as those
honored to attend the recording of the new live into worship and meeting with God. who would later hear this project.
there in Nashville. I met her husband Jacob With so much going on, what were your Going into the night, I was very sobered by the
Sooter that night as well. This is the promised thoughts walking into that night? weight of getting to carry something like this. I
EP Faith & Wonder from Meredith Andrews
deeper dive into this uniquely gifted couple and
this new collection of worship music.
just felt so grateful that God would entrust me
[Meredith] Jacob and I along with our team with this opportunity and so very expectant for
spent months preparing all the logistical and how He would move and speak through these
[WM] Meredith, what I noticed about this creative aspects for the live recording, so when songs. I had the overwhelming sense that this
special evening of your music being recorded the day arrived, my focus was on who would was bigger than me - much more than just
live that night at Rocketown, was that you were be in the room and what God had in store for another Meredith Andrews record - and that
December 2018
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