photo by Filip Vukina
same song… how does this seem to develop If it really started going then I would holler at
in your music? them and we would make an agreement. It
somewhere. (laughing)
is kind of like a hand-shake, right? It was a [WM] I want to know how you are doing
at thing of trust. Let’s just trust each other and if with your acoustic instruments… your trusty
something that has got my attention. Being in it comes out at the end we will decide where old Gibson acoustic guitar named “Ray” and
Atlanta now for a while, I’ll be honest, I didn’t production lies. If I basically just sang over a others?
know how Drake could turn out so many songs track and copied and pasted it, well that would in a year. (laughing) I know he is Canadian and I mean that they produced the song. (laughing) [Crowder] Man, Ray has just been killing it
am picking on Atlanta. (laughing more) And probably some little songwriter credits too. this record. I haven’t been recording with it a
If you can’t really recognize that there was a lot until now but it is all over this record. On
I started hanging out with the 116 Clique guys track there, then we probably ought to credit it the song “I Know a Ghost” I used a 1918
and folks that were just making tracks and I that this idea got the ball rolling. Gibson arch top with ‘f’ holes. Kenny did the
would be on the road with Andy Mineo… for the
banjo with that old 1954 Gibson that I have.
past two years I have been on the road with at I love it dude, I have never had this much fun We used a three string Cigar Box, kind of like a
least one of the 116 guys and they just turn out writing music since the beginning. It is like Baritone… really low. I put a little fuzz on it and
tracks like crazy. They are always making beats writing to ‘riffs’. You know sometimes you will it gets really metal sounding. Sounds like Drop
and at the same time always popping in the pick up a guitar and the guitar will just speak C tuning almost. But song after song, you hear
studio and they would be behind a vocal mic a riff. And then all of a sudden, a song folds Ray on the record, if you hear an acoustic or
in no time. And I got a little jealous. (laughing) around that riff. It just kind of tells you what it even some electric sounding stuff – it was Ray. I
Man, I stood around with a guitar and strum wants to be. This is exactly that way. It’s like couldn’t put the thing down. I would keep trying
chords and try to find a melody floating in the air you are writing into something that is a thing to put other things in, but Ray would come right
and it seems like I’m trying too hard. So, I just already, and it just tells you what it wants to be. up to the top.
hollered at a bunch of people that make tracks If it is resonating with you… you just follow it and have them send me Drop Box folders full of and try to piece it together.
[WM] When I was growing up in the classic
tracks and I just scrolled through them. It would
rock era of vinyl record making, artist wrote
be like a verse and a chorus idea, sort of like a Then I pulled in some of my buddies that I records to be taken in as an entire Side A
vibe to a song and if something hit me I would have been working with to make sure I wasn’t and Side B experience. In a world of released
start writing into it. off the rails and drinking Cool-Aid by myself singles where listeners seem to just cherry pick
December 2018
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