You would think by the title of this article I might of it being - futile· useless · pointless · to no the feel, the sound of your drums, or anything
mean, “play loudly.” But that’s not necessarily purpose · hopeless. Yes, I looked it up in a else, you should spend more time prepping so
true. Dynamics has nothing to do with this. No dictionary, but you get my point. So, how do you’re not stuck in that rut. But, when those
matter when, where, or how you play, play with you stir up your passion to play if you’re feeling thoughts come you have to cast them aside as
ALL your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Put a little bored, or stale, or just plain tired? if it’s fly buzzing around your head. Focus on
all of your intention, thoughts, passion, and
the song! Give it all you got… and let nothing
energy into your performance. Pour out of your TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF spirit when you play music, especially when you Make sure you’re getting proper sleep. worship… well no… actually… EVERYTIME Preferably 7 to 8 hours every night. Which, I also believe we’re in such an age of technology
you play. In all musical settings, something right now, I’m a little short on. J Be sure to in music that we’re always multi-tasking when
is happening “in the spirit” when sound is take care of your health. Diet and exercise are we play. We’ve got drum loops, tracks, click
released. There are lots of studies concerning important to your overall wellbeing. We hear tracks, drum-triggers, and multi media. I love
this, but for now I’ll speak from the worship this all the time, but doing it is the challenge. all that stuff… BUT, once we work through
drumming perspective. DO IT! I won’t “unpack” all the details here, but all the details of creating music, we still have
the information is readily available. Be aware of to be sure to reach into our “spirit” and focus
We live by the 11th commandment – “Thou how your diet affects your playing. Do you feel on WHY we’re doing this. It is a challenge. I
Shalt NOT Play Thy Instrument In Vain.” By “off” when you eat a certain way? Take note of often remind myself to think of what the song
that I mean “without care,” or the attitude it and adjust accordingly. I can’t eat too heavily is saying and communicate the heart of THAT
and be comfortable when I play. to the Lord and to the people. That is the goal.
Drumming is a very physical undertaking so; A final thought on technology. Keep your cell
besides your diet, exercise is crucial. Get into phone out of sight during your practice time,
a routine that keeps you feeling strong, but not band rehearsals, sound checks, and especially,
bulky. Be sure to stretch a lot before working performances or services. Only if it’s a tool
out or jogging. And do more workouts that build for the work you’re doing do you want that
cardio and breathing. I focus more on reps than distraction. Enough said.
rob you of the joy of the moment!
weight, and things that help my overall flexibility
and looseness. Last, but not least
Besides the physical side of drumming, our Sounds weird, doesn’t it? But I’ve found that
mental focus is very crucial. I actually think when I’m on my own, practicing, it’s important
sometimes we “think” too much because of the I just play without thinking of anything but “the
mechanics of performing. Even though I love music pouring out of me.” Yes, there’s a lot of
to learn and to teach, there is a point where time spent working through all the mechanical
you just have to forget that and play! When stuff, book studies, YouTube clips, etc. That is
you’re playing, it should all become focused important. But the goal is to play with intensity
on the heart of what you’re doing. This is still a and passion no matter what I’m playing.
mysterious thing, but it makes all the difference. There’s always time in my routine to let go of
Playing “with heart.” the mechanics and just let the music happen.
Enjoying the sound. Digging into the solo or
We should practice and prepare enough to song I’m playing like God is really listening…
be free of the mechanics when we worship. If HE is! HE’s always listening.
you’re still worried or uptight about the tempo,
December 2017