[ SUNDAY MORNING | Blue Amber ]
5:00 a.m. day and what time it will be, and any other all of the volunteers, worship team, and
My alarm goes off on my iPhone. But I don’t important information that they will need that’s leaders come together in the lobby and rally
see the word “Alarm” come across the screen going on that day on the campus. It’s important together as a complete team to do a quick fun
because I’ve programmed it to say something that everyone be given as much information as game or icebreaker. A staff member speaks
different. When I set this alarm to wake me up possible so they will have a clear direction on encouragement over us and we pray together
on Sunday mornings, I wanted to be intentional what needs to be shot that day. over the day and for each person who attends
about how I started my day off, serving on the
in order to bring us together to see what God
photography team at my church. I want the first Next, we gather hands and pray for the day as thing my eyes see when I open them on this a team. We pray specifically that God will use morning not to be “Alarm” on my screen, but the creative gift that He gave us to be able to After Volunteer Rally, we photograph people
to be “You GET to serve God today at Elevation see things that He is doing that we normally walking through the door, our volunteers
Church.” wouldn’t be able to see, so that we will be able interacting with guests, our kids getting ready
to capture what He is doing through His church. for their own incredible day, and everything
7:00 a.m.
will do through us.
backstage that is happening through our
Starbucks. 8:00 a.m. Because, come on, grabbing a Frappuccino Run-through (double chocolate chip, double blended, extra It’s a time that we get to jumpstart our creativity 9:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m.
whip - you’re welcome;) blesses the heck out of and go on stage to shoot the worship band Worship Experiences
me on an early Sunday morning. going through the songs, work with stage During the “W.E.” our team is shooting worship,
lighting, and get our close up, tight shots of and if we aren’t going “Point-To-Point” with our
7:15 a.m. worship on stage that we can’t get during the Broadcast Campus during the sermon, we
Call Time. Experience. photograph the Pastor or Speaker on stage.
amazing volunteers and staff.
Our arrival time for the photography team is
After, we want to capture real life change
around two hours before the Experience (At 8:30 a.m. of people who are either getting baptized,
my church we call a “Service” an “Experience.”) Set up. accepting Christ as Savior, or getting connected
We have a few tables and chairs set up for us We want to make sure that we are documenting more to the church by signing up to serve on a
backstage where our photo team sets up our everything from A to Z, and that includes the volunteer team or a home group.
laptops and camera gear. When we arrive, behind the scenes of the volunteers and all we plug in our extra camera batteries, open of the work they put into making the day an 10:45 a.m. & 12:30 p.m.
up Lightroom on our laptops, and get our SD amazing day for the people who walk through Editing.
cards out and get ready to start shooting. those doors. If they are doing their own team We choose the best 30-50 photos from our
huddles, connecting with one another, putting day, import them into Lightroom, edit, and
7:30 a.m. up tents, getting worship guides together, or export them into Lo-Res (for the photo stream)
Team Huddle. putting the food out for the volunteers; whatever and Hi Res (for the photo archives online) before
Once the team is all set up, gear-wise, we it is we want to capture it. Even one small thing we leave. This provides a great way for the
huddle up to go over what the day is going to one person is doing is important and makes a staff and leaders to see everything that went
look like, to see what we need to cover and difference, and that makes every one person on throughout the campus that day. Catch a
get on the same page. As the Coordinator, I important to us. glimpse of what I captured at my church this
pull up Planning Center on my phone and look
weekend on my Instagram: @BlueAmberPhoto.
up the cue sheet and go over with the team 8:45 a.m. what songs we are singing, when the Welcome Volunteer Rally. Above all else, project The Story, and don’t
will be given, if we are doing a baptism that 45 minutes before each “Worship Experience” stop shooting!
December 2017