[ WINTER BLUES? | Sheri Gould ]
It’s definitely that time again, and I’m here to Don’t forget to always breathe through your so try to cough as infrequently as possible. Try
give you some fresh tips to help keep you on nose; it cleans, warms and moistens the air a Hall’s Breezer or another non-mentholated
your A-game by keeping your voice healthy and you breathe! cough drop to help you throughout the day.
STAY HEALTHY! At night, any cough drop you prefer is fine. Sip
ready to sing all winter.
on Throat Coat tea to help soothe your aching
I love to stay ahead of illness. It’s way better throat. If you insist on singing, make sure to
And I’m not just talking about drinking water. than dealing with a sore throat or cold. I load up warm up gently. Now is also a great time to
You need to hydrate yourself by the food with immunity boosters every day. I’m getting consider making your own vocal spray to help
choices you make and the air you breathe. Of too old to deal with being sick! I make sure to you heal and stay moisturized. Above all, rest
course you need to drink lots of water, but now, gargle each night with good old Listerine, and your voice with complete silence if you have
with the dryness of the cold, you need to be if I feel a sore throat coming on, I will kick that any kind of sore throat. It’s easy to do damage
even more intentional about what you drink up to three times a day. One of my favorite while you are sick. For information on how to
and... what you don’t drink. There are lots of things to drink in the winter is a wonderful “tea” make your own vocal spray or the ginger tea,
yummy warm drinks we associate with winter, made with lemon, oranges, ginger, turmeric please email me at my website Sherigould.com
and I say indulge! Just make sure that you pay and honey.
attention to what you drink and when.
If you are going to indulge in drinks that contain
caffeine, be sure to watch the timing of your
drinks so that you can be sure to re-hydrate
with lots of water before you intend to sing.
Now is the time to definitely turn on your
vaporizer– all day, not just at night. I am forever
adding moisture to the air in my home through
various measures. I open my dishwasher after
a couple of minutes of the drying cycle to allow
the steam to pour into my kitchen, then I leave
it open to allow the remaining moisture to
evaporate into the room. I leave the tea kettle
boiling long after I’ve retrieved the water for my
tea. (Just pay attention: I’ve ruined more than
one kettle by continuing to heat with no water
in it!). I try to remove any lids once I’m done
boiling something on the stovetop to allow the
extra steam into the air.
When showering, I don’t run the overhead fan.
It’s imperative to continue your regimen of a
Of course you
daily warm-up, but now might be the time to
need to drink lots
switch your warm-up to the bathroom. First
of all, turn your shower on as hot as possible
of water, but now, to steam up the bathroom– then start your
with the dryness then you can simply continue to sing while you
of the cold, you help to warm up effectively and prepare your
need to be even warm-up unless you plan on singing.
more intentional STAY OUT OF THE COLD AIR!
about what you As much fun as caroling can be, singing in
drink and... what voice at all. Please use care and caution. If you
you don’t drink.
routine. If you typically shower in the morning,
take your shower. The extra moisture will really
vocal cords. If you are ill, feel free to skip your
the freezing cold (dry!!) air is not good for your
do choose to go, keep a scarf on, and when
you can, pull it up over your nose to warm
the air you breathe. Also, take along a hot
cup of Throat Coat Tea (no lemon!) and sip in
Instead, I immediately open the door when I’m
between singing.
finished so that the moisture is absorbed into
the rest of the house. Little things help to keep If you do find yourself coming down with my home moisturized. If you get a little static something, please take care with your voice. Take care this winter; stay healthy and keep
electric shock after crossing the room, then Coughing is very stressful to the vocal cords, on singing!!
your room is too dry.
December 2017