Josh Glauber, Stephen McWhirter, Joel Gerdis
amp and playing an American Standard Tele piano sounds, and I tweak that quite a bit. was no shield! So, it’s kind of amazing that he
that’s probably about 25 years old and sounds For my pad sounds, I use a hodge-podge of was able to use all of my vocals, and it was that
great. MainStage instruments. SM7b that saved the day. Nathan Nockles is
the guy who produced our record.
[Stephen] I’ve played certain guitars for years Also, on the road, our bass player and our and then I played a couple of Martin D18’s at sound guy developed this amazing portable [WM] How do you set up or schedule your
Matt Maher’s studio when we were writing. I in-ear unit that we take with us. It’s reduced writing time?
just loved the way they felt, so I bought a Martin our setup time drastically. We bought a Core D18 with a Matrix pickup in it, and I don’t think X32 and put it in with splitters and Sennheiser [Stephen] I’ll tell you really quick on this one…
I’m going back. This is my first Martin to own, wireless in-ears. Basically, everywhere we go, mostly what it is, is we have worship nights and
and I just feel the way it plays and sounds…it we have the same mix no matter what. So, the events where we spend a lot of time together
just lays so nicely in the mix, I feel like it’s the house can take signal from our splitters, or if in the secret place with the Lord. We come up
perfect worship guitar. they are running an X32, just a CAT5 cable is with ideas in those environments and those
all they need to get all of our signals. It’s really times. Like, the chorus for “Belong to You” was
revolutionized the way we travel and play. created spontaneously in one of those worship
We’ve been able to set up and play in under nights. So then, I took that chorus into a co-
an hour! write in Nashville with some friends of mine.
[WM] Stephen, you also play keys, right?
[Stephen] Yeah, I play piano a lot, too. As
far as that is concerned…if I had my druthers
and had what I wanted, I’d be playing a Nord
That happens with a lot of songs. We create
[WM] What mics are you using?
stuff out of that intimate, spontaneous time in
Stage 2 probably. But, what I ended up doing
the presence of God and then we bring it into
is getting this M-Audio 88-key hammer-action [Stephen] Um, we’re pretty much using Shure a co-write to kind of polish the edges and turn
controller. It weighs like 35 pounds! I just run Beta 58’s on the road. When we recorded, it into a full song. Then you have folks like Joel,
a MacBook Pro and run the M-Audio M-Track we used the Shure SM7b. The vocals on that who write songs like “Sons and Daughters” all
2x2 USB C-Series for output. I run MainStage record are the vocals from that live recording. If by themselves!!
and a lot of different plugins. I primarily use you watch the video of the recording, you’ll see Alicia’s Keys from Native Instruments for my that the drums were right behind me and there
December 2017
[Joel] Yeah, except for the end when Steven