from crossing paths and from knowing similar getting a record deal or anything like that. A are, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart,
people. big part of the ministry was this thing called mind, soul, and strength.” So, how do we love
“Adoration Prayer,” which is really focusing God through our prayer and how we talk to Him
[Stephen] With me, it was almost five years on the character and the nature of God. It’s and spend time with Him? Also, Romans 12,
ago now. I was literally the guy who would just really this form of prayer where you’d just have where it talks about not being conformed to
come in there simply to pray. Someone had told a conversation with Him. They would spend the patterns of the world, but be transformed
me about this place called “The Iron Bell” where a lot of time just adoring Him through prayer by the renewing of your mind so that you can
you could just sit with your Bible and someone and music, and they wanted to really focus in know His good and perfect will. So, part of
would be playing quietly in the corner. It was and create some music that was centered on what I learned about adoration prayer is that
definitely a place where you could just BE in the adoration. So, simply out of us just spending when I start praying to God and telling Him who
presence of God. It wasn’t a church service; it time in the presence of God and loving on Him, He tells me He is…He is transforming my mind
was just a place to be with the Lord. I really just we started creating all this personal, intimate and helping me believe He is who He says He
wanted to get more intimate than I had been music that was all focused on this adoration is. That all moves from my head to my heart…
in my life, and I wanted to dig in deeper with concept. making that 18-inch journey! It goes from
Him. So, I started coming there, not because
information to revelation…from “I’ve heard of
I thought it would lead to any of this! I simply It was some time later, through the Lord’s came there for about a year just to pray and leading, that someone came along and said, would just be in the back. “Hey, we feel like you guys need to be taking It’s where ideas become belief. I’m like, “Wow, I
You” but now “I’ve seen You.”
this thing to Nashville.” The long and the short really believe You are who You say You are!” So,
[WM] How did that transfer into Iron Bell of it is, we never pitched a record deal to taking these scriptures in prayer and saying,
Music? anybody, the Lord just sent people to us and “God, You’re Father, You’re good, You’re
we ended up where we are today. generous, You’re our support, You’re a provider,
[Stephen] Eventually, I ended up connecting
You’re healer, You’re strong and mighty, and
more relationally with Gregg and Shelley, [WM] Joel, tell us more about the focus on You’re available.” We’re all living life together,
and they ended up asking me if I wanted to adoration. and we get to see everyone encounter God for
spearhead an original music ministry with
Iron Bell Music. Even then, it was not about
His nature as we need Him to show up for us.
[Joel] Foundationally, the scriptures behind it
December 2017
So, like the testimony in “God That Saves,” God