Terry Wyatt Photography
musicians. You can Google them and see who is because we are! The only way that we are that you captured what was happening on the
they are. But more so, it was about keeping worthy is through the blood of Jesus. He made platform in the house and on the recording?
perspective on why we are doing what we’re us worthy, He allows us to be worthy, and He doing, who this is for, and to keep on reminding counts us as worthy through His blood. So, the [Ricardo] Worship leaders need to hear this:
the guys of that. end of the story is that Zacchaeus ran ahead soundmen are a part of our worship team.
of the crowd. He couldn’t see Jesus because Armando Fullwood, with WAVE out of North
I thought about what scriptures I wanted to pull there were so many people around. And I Carolina, did our front of house. Armando has
out, and asked God to show me. Every morning reminded the guys that sometimes it’s hard to done a handful of Israel’s recordings, along with
that we got together we had a devotional, and see the anointing. It’s hard to see the purpose BJ Putnam, Smokie Norful, and Bishop Jakes.
it was what kept everybody on the same track. of this thing because of the flesh that gets in the The engineer was Danny Duncan with Vanguard
We cast vision for this record, but kept it in the way, and because of people that get in the way. Recording. Danny and Armando have worked
perspective of what we were doing. We taught They say, “You’re so great! How do you play together on countless projects. Those guys
out of the book of Matthew. One of the first that?” And sometimes you have to run ahead of have an idea of who we are. It wasn’t just about
devotionals we had was about Zacchaeus. The the crowd to see the purpose and the reason. me wanting certain things, it was those guys
bottom line was that Zacchaeus was a sinner. I told the guys, “Let’s prepare our hearts to saying, “We are your ears out here. You hired
He was a tax collector and most of the people see Him. Let’s get away from the noise, spend us, and you can trust us. Let us make this work
hated him, but Jesus wanted to hang out with time with Him in our hotels, just worship Him. for you”. Having those pre-production meetings
him specifically. Jesus will go anywhere that Tell Him that you are inviting Him into the with our sound guys and talking through the set
He’s invited. So, the challenge to the team that project with you.” Zacchaeus placed himself and the songs, and having them be involved
morning was, “Are you inviting God into your in a position to see Christ, but he also placed with our other recordings was really beneficial.
heart, number one, but into this project? Are you himself in a position for Christ to see Him. We could be bringing down heaven on that
allowing Him to speak to you? Do you have the
stage, but if nobody can hear it, then what’s
right spirit to invite God?” I reminded them that [WM] One of the other things that I was blown
the reason that we feel unworthy sometimes away by was the mix. How did you ensure
December 2017
the point?