Terry Wyatt Photography
first song on the disc. Did you position it there is the posture of our heart, and our heart was get away from anything old or create anything
as a way to say, “Hey church! This is a great definitely postured towards Jesus in the pre- new. It was more that this is what we like. It’s
place to start!” Was that your intent? production and in creating the patterns of different, I’ll admit that. It definitely has a little bit
music. I believe that will translate to the listener. more chording than most worship songs, but
[Ricardo] That’s exactly right. We postured
that was our approach to it.
“You Are” at the beginning of the record hoping [WM] Philosophically as an artist, you have that it would translate into something like an a history and a future. This album is filled with [WM] As a guitar player I was particularly
attitude of worship where everyone could clap great songs, arrangements and music that is taken with Tyler Logan’s playing. Everything he
on the 2 and 4 and feel like they were involved not the status quo for where modern praise and played fit like a glove, but he also had some
in it just as much as we were. That was the goal worship is and that was part of what I loved killer chops and wasn’t afraid to use them – but
for it. These were new songs, but they were so much about the experience. How conscious only when it felt like the perfect moment. I loved
going to have good hooks so we could get are you of not wanting to do what everybody his contribution on both a musical and worship
people involved. else is doing? level.
[WM] One of the things I love most about this [Ricardo] question. [Ricardo] That was why we hired Tyler!
disc is that the music and arrangements have Whenever I write a song, or we’re going for That’s just who he is. He has played with a
a lot of musical depth to them. The band was a live recording, concert, or worship service, lot of different artists, and it’s like dealing with
one of the best I’ve seen anywhere, and were what we focus on is the anointing. We look someone with a broad vocabulary who has
100% in when it came to using their skill to take at the lyrical content and ask ourselves if the done a lot of reading. The more reading you do,
worship to the next level. message is translating. This is a record that the broader your vocabulary gets, and I think
I can come back to and hear things that I’ve it’s the same thing with musicians. The bottom
[Ricardo] The best part is that all of those never heard before. Even in the mixing process line is that Tyler is a servant. We didn’t use Tyler
guys are in churches on Sunday mornings! we were hearing things that we hadn’t heard because he was a good guitar player, although
These guys have the repertoire to do “How before and were deciding to pull up. On the he is an amazingly good guitar player, we used
Great Is Our God” and keep it simple, and then title cut, “Taste + See”, there’s a reprise that Tyler because I trust him and I love him. There’s
to go into some Snarky Puppy. I didn’t want to we put at the end of the song because it just something in him that I want to be like, as far
make it so complicated that the music would felt like a jam session and we wanted to visit as his character is concerned. I’m not surprised
get in the way of the message. I believe the it again. It wasn’t a pre-planned idea, it was that God has elevated him and used him and
difference between praise and performance just spontaneous. We weren’t intending to that he’s traveling with different artists. He’s
December 2017