Worship Musician Church Video + Streaming Handbook | Page 9
[WM] What's your process in doing that? remote and crank the volume when the pastor on my output and mix it again in real time. Once
How do you record? How do you get it back comes up. I have a WAV file, I have a friend up in Nashville
into your console?
who is a mastering engineer and he will run it
[Jason] The infrastructure of each console is
[WM] How do you get that volume to match? through his process. Once he’s done, I’ll send
How do you create that “seamless experience”? it to our production department and they will
different, there's so many different names for
line it up with the video cut and we upload it
it: Rehearse Mode, Virtual Soundcheck, Virtual [Jason] Inputs. The way we do it on our consoles enemy. I have a lot of tools in my tool chest- is through Waves MGBs which acts as an -but it all comes down to compression. Hear interface with Waves Soundgrid and MADI and me out though, I don’t want to just take a mix I track in Logic--but you can use any DAW. I and squash it to sound loud. That will make [Jason] No. We just know at this time, our
set up direct outs of my preamps (post gain, everything sound flat and unenergetic. Sure, online experience is the face of our church. We
pre-trim/mute/eq/dynamics/etc.) and record it's loud, but it doesn’t feel good. So what the want to put our best foot forward and mastering
them during the service. Then when I’m ready team and I have worked on is a show template helps with that. The only time we normally use a
during the week to pull it up, I change my input that allows for levels of compression that won’t mastering engineer is when things go to social
sources from my preamps to the Waves MGB’s just squash the mix. It uses a lot of bussing media platforms. When we produce a special
and am able to press play in my DAW. From (other consoles call them stems/aux/groups) song for Christmas or Easter, we will send it off-
there I can change EQs, experiment with verbs, and it sort of works like a pyramid. I don’t want -just so we know it's going to sound the best
try new compression techniques. All to make to get too far in the weeds with it, but I’ll say it can on Facebook or YouTube. On a normal
my live mix better. It's like a sandbox where I this. Know your goal and know the tools at Sunday--we don’t.
can have time to try any and everything. your disposal. We could talk about the different
Dynamics are your friend and
from there.
[WM] Do you guys do this every sunday?
types of plugins or outboard gear that you can [WM] So right now your focus is solely on the
[WM] Getting back to live streaming. How do use, but any digital console that is around today online experience, is there anything else you’re
you set up your live stream mix? Do you have has the ability to produce an amazing mix if you doing to help with that?
one for each platform? Tell me about streaming know it inside-out. I’ve heard amazing mixes to campuses too. out of an X32 and poor mixes out of SSL’s. It's [Jason] Other than post-mixing services and
all in the knowledge of the board. As I tell guitar sending to a mastering engineer, the number
players “It's in the fingers, not the pedals.” one thing we are doing is referencing in various
[Jason] I only have one mix. I have my studio
backstage with my console and my monitors
locations. I have some killer monitors in my
and I am working on one mix that hopefully [WM] Tell me. How has the COVID-19 crisis booth, but the amount of people listening on a
works for everything. Like you said, we stream impacted your church and your worship HiFi system is minimal. The majority of people
to 21 locations right now and online across a experiences? are listening on their MacBook or iPhone. So
couple different platforms. My first priority is to
that's what we are mixing for. I’ll have our
our 21 locations. That's where our congregation [Jason] Like many, we aren't having live Worship Creative Director, Chris Griffin, sit in
is at on Sundays. I’m constantly thinking, “How services right now. We are looking to our another room and listen to my mix on a private
does this translate back to a PA?” I have to leaders to tell us when we can meet again, link and give me feedback on what he’s hearing
make sure that the levels are dynamic enough but that doesn’t mean we can’t have church. and feeling. It's all about finding the best
and don’t sound over processed. On the flip We have moved all our services to an online translation from what I’m mixing to the end
side, the other thought I’m constantly thinking experience--luckily for us we’ve been doing this devices.
is “How does this sound on an iPhone or for years and know how to do it. There are some soundbar in someone’s house?” I have to make things that we are doing slightly differently, like [WM] You said you have great monitors, what
sure that its loud enough and is a seamless pre-recording our services on Saturdays. All are you using?
experience without having to turn down that allows me to do is do what I talked about worship or turn up the message because of the earlier, track it and mix it back later. When things [Jason] I’m not a gear junkie and truly believe
drastic volume difference between the two. It’s are happening live, you are in the moment. As that you get a great pair of speakers that you
okay to have a FOH mix that swings 25-30db-- every audio engineer knows, anything can can reasonably afford and work from there.
but that doesn’t work for a live stream because happen. Playing it back helps me mix those We have two speaker set ups in my booth. I
your viewers at home are going to experience little things I missed during the recording. After I have my main pair of Genelecs that I use to
worship at a great volume then have to grab the have a good starting place I’ll set up a recorder reference for EQ and tonal shaping because
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