Worship Musician Church Video + Streaming Handbook | Page 6
thing feels more intimate and conversational.
deliberately adapt your approach to meet them life together. It’s how I picked my church. Your
where their heart is. online presence goes a long way determining
When our viewers feel that connection, they
who you have—or don’t have—as visitors.
engage. That’s our win.
Even before the coronavirus, the internet was Now in today’s new reality, your online presence
WHAT’S YOUR CONGREGATION’S WIN RIGHT NOW? already a game changer. It’s changed the is no longer a major factor; it’s the factor.
The world is discovering that providing the way people shop for churches. Most people “same ol’ thing” cannot meet the new way attending a church for the first time have already Offering a lackluster online experience invites
people perceive their needs. visited the church’s website to preview sermons congregants to attend elsewhere. Our exposure
and check out how your congregation does to new styles and approaches cannot help but
By first determining what your people need make an impact even if they return. What effect
right now, you give yourself the opportunity to might that new awareness have once we can
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