Worship Musician Church Video + Streaming Handbook | Page 4
STREAMING TO WIN | Timothy J. Miller
So your congregation has entered the brave streaming to facilitate the gifts that the Lord has pointed out that one of our congregation’s
new world of streaming your services online! entrusted to them have the potential to reap a greatest needs is to experience community
Congratulations! Your cameras are rolling, new harvest of unprecedented growth. together. In addition to online small groups and
your sound is clear, your lighting is on point,
tons of contacting, our online service is a major
and your streaming copyright issues are Here are a few considerations to help you use connection point to help promote that sense of
addressed (thank you, CCLI!). your opportunity well. community. Our people have to connect. So
But even if
you’ve successfully climbed these technical
we make sure that every production decision
mountains, several vital considerations remain.
helps move us toward that goal.
We all know that everything in church world has
These details make the difference between
We replaced our big auditorium shots with a
suddenly shifted.
your being successful, and your congregation
living room feel. Instead of a line of vocalists
becoming the embarrassing YouTube clip that That’s certainly my experience. Although we’ve engaging the congregation, our musicians sit
circulates for the next 5 years. These details been streaming for years at Bayside Community on stools in a round circle on a carpeted floor.
can help you experience the full fruit your Church, addressing the new realities of the The person presenting the message shares
congregation could experience during this coronavirus era has forced us to revamp from from within the middle of the group while the
incredible time. the ground up how we approach production. rest react to what they hear. Our wide angled
That’s a big deal for us. Considering that last “you’re part of an exciting experience along
Whether you record your service with a cell week we had over 17,000 people participate with thousands of others in the room” shots
phone and Facebook live or you utilize a in our online experience, you know we take it have been replaced with over-the-shoulder
complete production studio and high end seriously. We invest ourselves heavily in making close ups. We adapted our song lists and
streaming equipment, failing to consider what that experience be effective. musical arrangements to better match what
you put on your viewers’ screens may take
you’d expect if you happened to show up at
your congregation backwards. But here’s the Now the needs of our congregation has someone’s house—well, at least a household
exciting thing. Churches that learn to use online changed. Our senior pastor, Randy Bezet of musicians. We’re still learning, but the whole
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