Worship Musician August 2020 | Page 127

any setting, whether that’s a tour, festival, oneoff, or church service. [Alex] Fortunately, we never slowed down on installs! If anything, it has sped up. The need for streaming AV systems has skyrocketed and many of our distributors can't get the gear fast enough. So no, no time for any new certifications. [WM] Has there been a particular verse or teaching or helpful concept that has particularly spoken to and supported you over the last 90 days of COVID? [Alex] Deuteronomy 31:8. “The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Churches are our largest client base. At first we were afraid that COVID would really dampen church attendance moving to online, but we have seen just the opposite. So many of our churches have seen online attendance skyrocket and are reaching so many people they never did before. So much that when things get back to somewhat ‘normal’, they are going to continue moving forward with their newfound ministry, streaming online! [Judson] Deuteronomy 31:6 “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” With all of the uncertainty in this time, it is entirely possible to become overwhelmed and afraid. Fear paralyzes and skews reality. I have found verses about courage and fear to be quite helpful, as well as those that remind us that God is in control and knows what is happening in each and every life. [Jon] Something that’s been helpful to me through this period is the reminder of what the church is. It’s not the hip, moving, or flashy services and productions that many of us get to be a part of, it’s the people and the message of hope that we have been entrusted with. I greatly miss the full rooms that are impacted by the music and teaching and being together with other brothers and sisters. I live for the message and the people are what motivate me — that has been a great lesson during this time. Judson Bartels is a Senior Consultant at Quincy Owen Solutions, LLC in Arlington, Washington. Alex Peake is an Integration Specialist at JCA Media in Louisville, Kentucky. Jon Sauer is the Director of Worship Arts/ Technical Director at Lincoln Berean Church in Lincoln, Nebraska. Jeff Hawley A 20-year music industry veteran—equally at ease behind the console, playing bass guitar, leading marketing teams or designing award-winning audio products. He currently heads up the marketing for Allen & Heath in the US. Lincoln Berean Church broadcast audio studio gets an upgrade as streaming needs increase. August 2020 Subscribe for Free... 127