Worship Musician August 2020 | Page 50

KIDS WORSHIP THE MEMORY OF MUSIC | Yancy On the hardest days of life and church work I pause to remember the truth that these songs we sing and lead aren’t just songs. They aren’t just time filler or something to do. These songs get planted in the lives of our kids and they are remembered and even sung when a memory is triggered years and even decades later. Until the day I die I’ll be shouting from the rooftops and at minimum in podcast interviews and blog posts that music is one of the greatest tools that we have in ministry. It’s more enduring in our hearts and memories than any game that gets played or even prize given away. There is plenty of science out there of how our brains and bodies respond to music. A quick google search will help you find this related to Autism, Alzheimer’s and more. I am confident that the praise of children matters. It’s in the Bible. Not just once but over and over again. Created children of the Most High God were made to sing the praises of God and when they do it is powerful. If you’re in one of those seasons where you need to be reminded why what you do matters, remember why. I’m so thankful for the reminders God gives us. I believe He gives us glimpses at the perfect time to encourage our heart and stir our faith. Last week I received a Facebook message from a grown man asking me about a song I recorded. The song is a cover of a kid’s song from the 80’s by a guy named Rob Evans aka The Donut Man. The man was asking about a song that he first heard when he was five years old. He even referenced another song from the cassette. He was wanting to know who had originally sang it as he hunted for the original. That’s right, thirty years later this grown man remembered the truth that was in a song he learned as a young kindergartener. I have no doubt there could be something going on in this man’s life where he needed that specific piece of truth to stir up in his spirit and help him navigate his life and choices he was making. Earlier this year I met a young adult leader at a conference where I was speaking and leading worship. This now adult woman had crossed paths with me about twelve years before while she was in middle school. She shared with me the impact of my music and what it meant to her. And then fast-forward to the present she’s in ministry, leading kids. We often times plant seeds without seeing the harvest of those seeds planted. But once in a while, God in His grace reveals to us that what we do does make a difference. Little girls grow up. Boys turn into men. Songs give us vocabulary we need to live out our faith and at times battle the fight of faith. The songs this young lady sang as a middle schooler helped her get to this current point of investing in children so that they will know and experience Jesus. It was needed and it mattered. In recent weeks I’ve seen other friends share about the childhood memories they have attached to the songs that played in the family car. Special bonds between a parent and child to a certain song. I’m in several Kidmin Facebook groups and recently someone was talking about the songs they learned as a child at VBS. So many things have been forgotten over the years but the ability to recall a song and its lyrics and melodies is unlike any other. Music is powerful so treat it like it’s a bomb of God’s power waiting to go off. However you gather, online or in-person: reverence, respect and intentionality are a few of the things you need as a leader to use it well. If we were sitting in a coffee shop face to face talking about this I would give you a hug. With tears in my eyes I’d remind you that the songs you choose to lead are not just songs. They do not just fill space. They are instrumental in helping the kids you lead in worship experience the presence of Jesus. When you taste and see that He is good you want more of it. You hunger and thirst for more of Him. That’s my prayer for you. That’s my prayer for this world. And that’s my prayer every time I step on stage or enter a zoom meeting to lead others. As they remember the songs that we sang may they remember that He is good! ©2020 Yancy Ministries, Inc. Yancy Yancy is a worship leader and songwriter for kids that travels the globe doing family concerts and training worship leaders. Every week her songs are used in thousands of churches around the world. Yancy has a passion to serve the Church which is why she created “Heartbeat”, a five lesson curriculum series to teach kids the heart of worship. This year she is releasing lots of new music in her “Little Praise Party” series for young kids. Check out her latest “Ready, Set, Go!” She lives with her husband and sons in Nashville, TN. YancyMinistries.com 50 August 2020 Subscribe for Free...