Worship Musician August 2019 | Page 161

Looptimus Foot Controller, was invented to give worship leaders the freedom to control their tracks, instead of the tracks controlling them. A worship leader or band director can use Looptimus to jump around to a different section of the song or repeat sections – all with a tap of their foot. It works perfectly with Ableton Live or our app Prime. We released Track Rig last year because worship leaders needed a simple way to get their audio out of their iPad or Mac easily. It lets you send your tracks out eight different channels so that the sound team has full control over the mix of your tracks. Looptimus and Track Rig may not have all the bells and whistles, but that’s not what we’re going for. We’re always shooting for simplicity with our products and giving worship leaders what they need to create the best worship experience possible. [WM] Loop Community has grown over the years adding more and more team members. What’s next for Loop Community? [Matt] We’re always dreaming of new ways to make running tracks simple for worship leaders. I’m blessed that we have a solid team of people who see Loop much more than a business or career – they truly see it as a ministry that helps worship leaders by giving them the tools they need and the community they desire. We will always be about the local church on the corner and developing resources that help create an environment for people to connect with God. Growing up as a pastor’s kid, I know very well that not every church has a massive church budget or people that play instruments (in fact, most don’t). We are focused on creating quality and affordable resources that help facilitate worship for all church and budget sizes, and supporting local worship leaders in their passion and creativity through community. This year, we’ll be bringing some exciting new features to our website and Prime app, and hope to continue to inspire worship leaders to be who God created them to be. We’d love to have you as a member of the community. August 2019 Subscribe for Free... 161