Worship Musician August 2019 | Page 160

want to be relatable and approachable. From description that knowing how to use Ableton everything you need as a worship leader to run churches setting up in a school auditorium, to Live was a requirement. When we first started tracks in an easy way. I’m focused on creating mega-churches in arenas, to prison ministries, Loop Community, most of my time was products that make running tracks simple to house churches – I’ve heard incredible stories spent educating worship leaders how to use so worship leaders can focus on what really about how Loop Community’s technology has multi-tracks in worship. I created hundreds matters. enabled churches to host creative environments of YouTube videos, hosted live webinars and of worship to God. traveled to churches all over the US. During that [WM] You also develop hardware for running time, I also became an Ableton Certified Trainer tracks. Tell us about the Looptimus Foot [WM] Loop Community is a full eco-system because I loved training worship leaders, see Controller and Track Rig Audio Interface? for running tracks in worship. You sell tracks them catch the spark and watch them carry for worship, but you also develop hardware & it to their own churches. The more I trained [Matt] It’s important to us that worship leaders software for running tracks. How did that come people, the more I realized that there are a lot of aren’t just playing along with karaoke tracks. about? worship leaders that just needed a simple and We encourage collaboration and creativity in affordable way to get started, which is why we worship and want worship leaders to play songs [Matt] Things have changed a lot since developed the Prime App. It’s a completely free the way that best fits their church. This is why we started. It’s funny because these days app for running tracks from your Mac, iPhone our app Prime allows you to customize song almost every worship leader I know uses and iPad. I wish this app existed when I first arrangements, change the key & tempo, loop tracks in worship, but that wasn’t always the started using tracks. It’s designed specifically sections and spontaneously jump to different case. I recently saw on a worship leader job with worship leaders in mind and gives you parts of the song. Our first piece of hardware, 160 August 2019 Subscribe for Free...