Worship Musician August 2019 | Page 154

[WM] Do you use number charts or letter The song didn’t really need to get big until the start and strum later on. So many little things charts at your church? bridge. I tried to get the guitarist to not play until that make a difference. Is there a cajon on the the second chorus. Told him not to touch his team? You could start with a simple beat on [Jared] Whenever we send a chord chart instrument. Just stand there. Don’t play. He verse two and just build it as you go. Just give out at church it’s always letters. When we call couldn’t do it. We’d get to the pre-chorus and yourself space. If you’re on vocals, if you’re chords on the MD mic it’s always numbers. he’d play something. He’d be strumming by the the harmony singer, sing a harmony, but don’t first chorus. Then he had nowhere else to go. sing it straight away. Save it. Give the music [WM] What if a church’s worship team somewhere to go. If you’re in at beat 1 with consists of only a few players rather than the I’ve come to realize that one of biggest everything you’ve got, your listeners are going fuller teams heard on worship recordings? differences between professional musicians to get tired. Their ears are going to get worn and amateur musicians is not their skills. It’s not out. It just becomes noise. [Jared] I think this relates to what I said how fast they can shred or how expensive their earlier about playing a part rather than just guitar is. It’s how tasteful they are. You get Dan [WM] So everyone’s an arranger. Everyone is playing along. Whatever your instrumental Huff on stage with his band first he might play a thinking about what they’re playing or singing? configuration, you can still arrange the song ringing chord in the first chorus and then a tiny in such a way that it’s got somewhere to go. little chiming thing later on. It’s Dan Huff and it [Jared] Well, they should be, I think. I’m When I’m playing piano in whatever setting, sounds amazing. Of course, Dan has chops. blessed with that kind of brain. I’m not thinking I’m always thinking “What can I do in the next He could shred. But it’s tasteful. So, having about what I should play. I’m thinking about chorus that can take this to another level?” I just a few players on your team doesn’t mean what the guitarist over there should be doing guess I’m arranging on the spot. Don’t give you can’t still arrange what you’re going to and maybe the drummer. It’s just the way that away all your tricks on the verse. I worked with do. Work out who comes in where. Plan what I’m wired. My wife is a bass player, and she’s another church’s worship team once. They had you’re going to save for the big parts. quite happy for someone else to arrange a part drums, bass, kind of the usual rhythm section. for her. There are plenty of musicians out there They were playing a song that had a slow build. A guitarist can plan to play finger style at the 154 August 2019 who play well but aren’t itching to be creative. Subscribe for Free...