Worship Musician August 2019 | Page 136

is good, and that I feel blessed by his friendship and by the many others at Bayside who’ve befriended me. I am really having the time of my life! [WM] You beat the odds and went from a little boy with his street-corner drums and living in a car with your family, to an internationally renowned rock star we know and love as Zoro the Drummer. Your faith in God helped to direct your steps. What advice do you have for worship musicians everywhere? [Zoro] The same advice I would give to people everywhere regardless of what they do. Serve God with all your heart, trust him in the dark times when it feels you’ve lost your way and others have left you for dead, be courageous, work hard, and always walk by faith because faith is the only thing that pleases God. Do everything with a spirit of excellence as if you are doing it for the Lord himself and live in a way that glorifies and honors him. Take the gifts and talents God has given you and turn them into a masterpiece that is used for his purposes. Then, most importantly, remain a humble servant because pride so often accompanies any sense of human accomplishment. Examine your life and ask yourself daily “whose life is getting better because I’m alive and whose benefitting from my gifts and talents?” Remember, we don’t get any bonus points because we’re gifted or talented because God has given that to everyone. It’s just that many have not acknowledged that or discovered theirs. In the end, the only thing that will matter is whether or not we’ve used what we have for God’s glory and whether or not it was a blessing to people. I’ve been given the spiritual gifts of an encourager, teacher, evangelist and musician, but one day God will ask me to give an account of how I used them. Knowing I’ll be judged for all he has entrusted unto me, I choose to live from that eternal At Bayside after a performance with Brian King Joseph (America’s Got Talent) and Lincoln Brewster 136 August 2019 Subscribe for Free...