and where we need to improve. That is where have always been a great group and always the day these communities are not managed
the transparency comes in. It is genuine. I do tried to go the extra mile. by us but deserve all of our support. Selfishly
publish all of my contact details as you would
as a manager of a support team, these folks
expect from somebody who is thrilled to be With Helix, we wanted to really put a spotlight are creating places where almost any question
part of these groups and is really there to help. on making sure our customers hang up the you could have will be answered in about 10
I ‘friend’ any of our customers who request it phone or get their Helix back from service both seconds. We will give these folks anything they
that way I can get instant messages should happy with the result and confident that when need because they are creating a massive and
they need something. As a Facebook friend you things go wrong we will be there. So much living knowledge base. Worship guitar has
are going to see the pictures of my grandkids so that they tell their friends how different an been leading the way when it comes to guitar
at the beach and I am going to see the rack interaction with us is. I am so proud of my and tech. Many of the unique requirements
of ribs you so expertly grilled up! It’s definitely teams and the way they have adopted this (not so unique anymore) for worship are at
more than a typical customer relationship and I/ empathetic approach. Support and service the heart of what we do. The need for quiet/
we are more than willing to do it. I feel like I have used to be a necessary thing that was always silent stages, creative signal routings, complex
made many real friends through this process going to be an expense to the company, based effects, the ability to plug in and be consistent
and man I have to tell you our customers make on a strict rule book, and really just a back end week after week, etc. More and more traditional
some amazing music! It’s one of the best things and a calculation around how much time and venues are moving to what worship has been
about these groups; the music is awesome! money to devote to dealing with problems. doing for a long time. We have several well-
We look at support and service as another known worship players on our beta team for
[WM] One of the early Helix posts on the chance to make a positive impression on our that very reason and they rule btw! I also think
TGP (The Gear Page) reads, "New algorithms? customers and exceed their expectations. We these communities are driving more music
If not, don't care, it's an HD500 on crack." In can’t help everyone in every circumstance as creation and sharing. It’s a wonderful thing to
my interview with Eric Klein, he made it clear we do have a company to run, but my team are have 40,000 players interacting almost daily on
that his vision was far greater than to just do an empowered to use their brains and their hearts their craft. I read the Helix for Worship FB group
HD500 'refresh'. This was way more than just a to approach problems and when we can, we all of the time and the way they share and help
product launch, this was a defining moment in will help and we will always be fair. I get notes each other with a song for next week’s service
how the company would be perceived moving from customers every single week letting me is just totally inspiring.
forward. While this product really is that good, know that they think we have the best service changing public perception around modeling and support in the industry. Even when we [WM] I was shocked to read that you don't
and a brand in general is a special kind of hard cannot completely help we want our customers actually play guitar! You obviously love music
work. This product is basically three times the to recognize that we are fair, and we care and I and the people who create it, so I have to ask,
price of the HD500 which in itself it a huge could not be happier with that result. who are some of your favorite musicians using
hurdle. What are the most valuable things
Helix out there, and what about their playing or
you and your team have learned through this [WM] Thanks to people like Chad Boston, the process and how has it changed the way you Helix community is not only a thriving one, it is do business and customer relations? one that also celebrates musical diversity. There [Frank] I love music and guitar music in
was a time when a number of churches owned particular. I tried to learn guitar early and it
[Frank] This is so true. This was our “we are an HD500. What role do you think worship became clear musical talent was not something
going at this with everything we got” moment. guitar players had in the Helix success story? the good Lord blessed me with so I decided
In business those moments really are trajectory
approach do you find inspirational?
to focus on things he did bless me with. My
altering. When you get a team completely [Frank] Chad Boston and Chris Saraga with musical tastes have broadened over the years.
committed to doing something special it is The Original Helix Facebook Group, Jamie I started out with Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd,
transformational. I think that approach and Penner with the Line 6 Helix Worship Team Aerosmith, Blue Oyster Cult, Deep Purple,
mindset drove us to look at support and even Users, Tony Scott with the Helix for Bass group, real heavy Rock back in the day. I found U2
manufacturing differently and go at it with the and the other 20 or so groups all have been when they were pretty much unknown (Boy)
same “all in” gusto. This was going to be our amazing. They put a huge amount of time and and have followed them ever since. Love the
flagship and this was going to define how effort into creating these communities and Grunge/90s stuff still, and in the Worship side
customers think of our brand and team going the members all benefit from the collective Lincoln Brewster is one of my all-time favorites.
forward and nothing short of world class would knowledge. We do our level best to support As far as who inspires me using Helix I would
be acceptable. Our Support and Service teams them with whatever they need. At the end of have to say the band Garbage. They went
88 August 2019
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