Have you ever thought about what makes a your vocal goal of expressively delivering your this in mind: your audience is not interested
song powerful? I would suggest that what song might be summed up like this: focus on in how you feel, they’re interested in how you
makes a song powerful is how it makes you the message and speak through your singing. make them feel. When you are gesticulating
feel. Just how does a performer manage to and making all kinds of facial expressions they
reach into your heart and mind and touch you? are demonstrations of you. Do what you can to
There are many things a great singer/performer
can do to make a song powerful and effective,
let’s look at a few of the ones that are the
easiest to pull off. Most of you reading this will
be interested in how to make a song powerful
during a live performance so that is what I’m
going to focus on in this article.
The first thing to realize as a singer is that you
have a message you want to get across. You
need to be clear on exactly what this message
look genuine and truly reflect the meaning of
You need to
the song in your body language. It’s totally okay
to get into the character of the song, but don’t
know your
draw undo attention to yourself. Think outward
- not inward.
message and
know it well.
know your message and know it well. This
singing can truly help you to express and
emphasize certain aspects of the song.
This requires
is. You need to have the message written
on your heart and in your mind. You need to
Singing quietly, using different registers or
tone qualities effectively can truly enhance the
inherent emotions and message of a song.
I love to use the first two minutes of Whitney
Houston’s version of “I’ll Always Love You” as
requires memorization. When I was in college an illustration of a fabulous use of dynamics,
my voice teacher used to assign me a song on different resonance usage, the technique of
Tuesday and expect me to have it memorized A great exercise to do is to simply speak “speaking” the song and a host of other great
by Thursday, so we could “start” to work on it. through the words of your song until you not techniques. I challenge you to listen to the song
Then he used to tell me that he didn’t want to only truly understand and “get” the message for yourself but don’t watch her sing it. Simply
ever sing a song in public that he hadn’t sung at but also the feel and cadence of the words. listen. Pay attention to “simple” things she
least 100 times in private. I rarely see that kind Then when you add the music make sure you does to make an iconic rendition of a simple
of preparation today, but what it affords the sing it like you would speak it! This can also song and how it moves you. The song is quite
singer is the opportunity to truly become one help you to focus more on the message and moving and powerful and yet she is singing
with the song and the message of the song. less on your voice which can help with nerves quietly for the first minute and a half! Contrast
The message needs to be yours and you need and lack of confidence. If you can get across makes a big impact. Going from quiet to loud
to be comfortable with it. You can’t give out to yourself that you are simply telling a story, (or vice versa) or even a simple crescendo can
what you don’t have. relaying a message, it’s easier than thinking that all add incredible power to a song creating a
you are singing and need to have a beautiful great impact.
Much of the singing I hear today lacks the type
voice. Your message is what is foremost, not
your voice.
Practice with some of these techniques and
of true vocal emotion that can really touch
see how powerfully expressive your singing can
someone. Most of today’s popular singers lack Avoid the overuse of hand motions. Do your
substantive training and therefore rely more best, while practicing, try to think of your
on gimmicks and tricks to try and produce a audience hearing you but not seeing you. This
response in their audience. Examples of these will force you to put emotion into your song and
might be adding vocal fry, air to the tone, not rely as much on your body/face to try and
gesticulations, etc. A simpler way to accomplish make the song “look” emotional. Try to keep
72 August 2019
Sheri Gould
Sheri is an internationally acclaimed vocal coach.
She’s been helping artists and worshipers find their
voice for over 40 years. For help and resources visit
her site.
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