In the last issue we called upon with Pat Barrett of digital distractions you’ll entertain and when, putting words to what that experience feels
to help us wrap our series on what makes a you can take the reins of how much and when like is something we tend not to do. Similarly,
great recording great. In case you missed it, these distractions occur. Honestly, I don’t want we often make the mistake of not creating an
you can read it by following this link! to lose touch with the outside world when I’m actual creative workspace that we step into
recording, so I actually do keep my phone on when we want to express our creativity. Noting
Many of us have made recordings that have and I do check email from time to time. My job that many of us function as songwriters, artists,
drawn on far longer than they needed to or requires that – but – I don’t let that own my engineers, and producers, these creative
should have. While I’m all about lingering in experience. I let my closest family and friends spaces might look quite different, which is why
a song or a part as we seek to step into that know when I’ll be recording and generally ask being conscious of the nuances matters so
next level of creativity, there are certain kinds them to text if there’s something urgent - never much.
of distractions from the creative zone that we call unless absolutely necessary.
need to consciously identify and eliminate if
SOLUTION: As a songwriter, I almost never
possible. I encourage you to take a moment HOT BUTTONS have my moment of inspiration in front of the
and write down five things that get in the way PROBLEM: As noted above, nothing pulls computer. In fact, this is probably the first time
of your recording and creative process before me out of the creative space more than a that I consciously realized that most of my
reading on! phone call. For some reason the sound and songs are largely realized long before I ever sit
engagement on someone else’s terms is a hot down at my computer desk. I have a few places
DIGITAL DISTRACTION button that inspires my inner child to act out where I’ll sit with my guitar as I write, but again,
PROBLEM: Be it phone calls, email, or text in a fashion that is most un-becoming to me, that is hardly ever in front of my computer. If
messages, nothing pulls me out of my creative my friends and family, as well as the recording that’s also the case for you, be aware of where
zone or the recording process more the process. Unless I make them, phone calls are you tend to go at the different phases of your
ever-increasing number digital distractions I taboo when I’m in tracking mode. creative process and how that impacts your
encounter each day.
production workflow.
SOLUTION: First of all, I always feel bad after
SOLUTION: If you really want to stay in ‘the I’ve ‘stung’ some innocent soul who made CONCLUSION
zone’ try turning off your phone and logging the mistake of calling while I was tracking. So, As creatives we spend a lot of time talking
out of your email account on your production rather than make a jerk out of myself (again), about the absolutes of what mic sounds best,
computer. I’ve tried to explain that phone calls pull me or which DAW we prefer, but there are a whole
out of my creative space and kill my focus. series of other conversations going on at the
MENTAL DISTRACTION To further insulate my creative process and nearly subconscious level that impact what
PROBLEM: There are so many details to keep the need to protect it so fiercely, I let people we do. I encourage you to think about what
track of on top of keeping the creative juices know when I’m recording and how to contact those are, how they impact your recording, and
flowing. When I’m recording, and something is me if need be. People appreciate and honor what you can do to improve the quality of your
gnawing away at my focus it can really impact that, and I no longer have to deal with the creative space!
the laser-like attention with which I like to work ‘Mr. Grumpy’ conversations I have with myself in the studio. If I’m not mindful of shutting off when I would, could, and should be working! the mental distraction tap, I not only lose my Can I get an amen?
flow, my creative energy also really suffers.
SOLUTION: By letting the people close to you PROBLEM: When it comes to being creative,
know when you’ll be recording and what kinds many people say that they’re creative, but
52 August 2019
Doug Doppler
Doug is the Editorial Director for Worship Musician
and Gear Tech + Recording magazines.
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