guitar playing skills are limited. So what I love
to do is work with a producer who maybe has
started some type of musical track or pad, and
then I’ll come in. A lot of times I’ll get inspired
that way and I’ll get a melody or just start
singing something over it. My favorite way is to
actually write with someone who can kind of
handle that aspect of things and I can focus on
the melody and the lyrics.
[WM] We are so excited that your EP,
Unmovable, has just released. There are 5
songs that are extremely well-crafted and
recorded. I would love to walk through some
of the songs with you. “I Am”, like the song
“Unmovable”, embraces pop music stylings to
communicate the truths of God. And the song,
“Endless” is just magnificent. What can you tell
us about these songs?
[Shae] All of the songs were written with my
producer and a couple writers from Nashville though “I Am” has more of a pop flare, and “You melody that’s what the congregation is going
except for “I Am”, which was written by some Say” has a pop flare as well, but lyrically they’re to catch on to and sing. If it’s a radio song,
friends of mine here in Los Angeles. I always very worshipful, they’re very heaven-focused. it’s what the listeners are going to catch on
love to hear what songs people connect with So that’s what I consciously tried to do with this to. This is something my Dad taught me at a
the most, and this is probably my personal EP and these songs. very young age, there needs to be hooks no
favorite because I find it so worshipful and I feel
matter what style you’re singing, I don’t care
like when I’m singing that song or when that [WM] By its nature, much of “Pop Music” if it is punk rock, if it’s praise and worship, or if
song is on, I’m just not thinking about anything is contrived and oftentimes not born from it’s pop music, it needs to have melodic hooks
else. It’s like a time of worship for me. I try to personal experience. There are well-practiced for people to catch onto because that’s what
make all of my songs that way. I feel weird even formats, formulas, key signatures and chord sticks and what people connect with. In terms
calling myself a performer or a singer, because progressions. How do you keep your music of all of the other stuff I don’t think about it other
to me, as cheesy as it sounds, I feel like I’m just from sounding contrived? than melodically. I always try to have a melody
an instrument to help bridge the gap between
that sticks with you, whether it’s in the verse,
the presence of God and us here on earth. If [Shae] I just don’t even think about that stuff, music for me is not worship then I don’t really I don’t think about the chord progressions, I want to be doing it. People have said, “Why don’t think about the key signatures, I just don’t [WM] “Heart of You” is a beautiful, lilting prayer
don’t you do pop music?” But it doesn’t think about that stuff. I just write from my heart. set to music, with a strong backbeat added at
connect with me personally, so I’m not going I think what’s important, no matter what style of the chorus. What can you tell us about this
to do it. Worship music is really where my heart music you’re singing, is the melody. Melody is song?
is, so those songs really are that for me. Even what will stick with you. If it’s a Christian song “I Am” “Endless”, with Father-in-Law Paul Wilbur 48 August 2019
the chorus, or ideally both.
“Heart of You”
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