atmosphere, and to change your mindset and to
change your heart. At the time when I was going
to write that song I was going through a really
hard time in life and feeling very discouraged
on a lot of levels. My husband and I just felt
like everything was coming at us and we were
going through a lot. I felt like I needed to write
the words that I needed to say to myself, and I
wanted to write what my soul needed to hear.
So that’s lyrically where that was birthed out of,
and it came about fairly easily. Our producer
and co-writer Jordan Melowski, kept feeling like
the word “unmovable” had something, and we
basically built the song around that. I think, as
with a lot of things that are God-breathed, that
they come about pretty easily. I think we wrote
it in not even a full day and the song was done.
[WM] Is Idol a viable pathway for Christian
artists to explore? Because churches are one
of the few places that people sing collectively,
doesn’t the church therefore historically play an
important role in Idol’s talent pool?
[Shae] Idol is a viable resource for anyone
really wanting to sing music. It’s about what
you’re choosing to do with it or what your
angle is when it comes to music. Yes, so many
contestants who have made it very far are
them to make it in the industry.
husband said, “You should go!” And I thought,
worship leaders, or pastors, or believers. It’s
“Well, I did enjoy working with the cameras
sprinkled throughout every single season. That [WM] much when I was in Hollywood.” That was my first
being said, you have to take into consideration professionally in such a short amount of time. time ever being on camera doing anything TV-
the context of the show. I actually work as a It’s amazing to see your fluency in songwriting, related, so I said, “Yeah I’ll go and audition”.
producer on the show now, so I get to speak touring, hosting, So to make a long story short I went and
a little bit more to that. If you’re going on there recording, and even as a style expert. Talk to us auditioned and I got the job. At the time it was
and only singing Christian music or only singing about the process of God “opening and closing just for a “social media girl”, and I worked really
worship songs, it could potentially not connect doors” in your life. How in the world does one hard and ultimately turned it into a lot more. I
with the mass audience that watches the show. go from being a contestant on American Idol, ended-up having segments on television and
Whereas we have artists like Angie Miller a few to a producer? one of them got syndicated across the country.
seasons ago, and she sung more inspirational
This was all from Jacksonville, Florida… from
songs, then at one point she sang a Kari Jobe [Shae] It has been quite the crazy journey, a small town. After about four years it started
song and it was amazing and everyone loved it. and it really has been God opening and coming really naturally, I ended up booking a
But it was because she had built that repertoire closing doors, and me following along the way. segment on the Wendy Williams show which
with the viewers and with the judges as well, Growing up I always knew I wanted to do music is a national TV show and I had no experience
so they got it. I think you have to be a little and I thought that was it. After American Idol on national TV. God was clearly opening these
bit strategic as a believer wanting to audition I remember returning home from Hollywood doors in media, it was not ever something that
for the show, and you have to be strategic in Week and our local station was holding an I strived for or had even thought that someday
your song choice and how you’re presenting open call audition. It was called the “Face of that I wanted to be on TV. I’ve always just been
yourself. But for sure, I think it’s a viable tool for Fox 30”, which was our Fox affiliate station. My very season oriented, and said to myself, “Okay
46 August 2019
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