His favor would be on me every step of the
way, from the moment I stepped in front of
the judges. At this point it wasn’t the celebrity
judges, it was the producers.
I remember the second I stepped foot down
on the ground where all of the judging tables
were set up, I really did feel God’s favor on me. I
was shocked when I made it through! However
strong of a singer you may feel you are, when
you see thousands of people get sent home it’s
hard to have confidence, which I definitely did
not have. But I made it through that round, the
on to the next round, and the next time. Every
step of it I just felt like, “Okay God, I’m in this for
however long you want me to be in this for.” To
be honest, I did not think I had a chance to win
the show. Probably if I was asked that I don’t
think I would have had the confidence to say,
“Yeah, I’m gonna win this; I’m gonna be the
next American Idol!” But I knew this was a step
on my journey and that I was in it for however
long God wanted me to be in it for and I was
going to make the most of it. And so that’s what
I did, I made it to Hollywood week and made
some great friends along the way, Danny Gokey
is still one of my really close friends, both he reached out to him and told him the concept of we started talking about the Lord. I think I told
and his wife. It was a life changing experience the song, and he immediately said how much him something along the lines of how I was a
even though I didn’t make it that far, I got sent it was resonating with him at that moment in Messianic Jew, and we just kept talking and
home early during Hollywood Week. But I still time, so we just knew it was the right thing and it turns out he grew up listening to my Dad’s
used American Idol and the show as a vehicle we were so excited to have him join me on that music. He couldn’t believe it, he was like,
to catapult my career. song. “Oh my gosh, your Dad is Joel Chernoff from
Lamb!” He started singing one of my Dad’s
[WM] You made a friend in Danny Gokey, A funny side story that you’ll appreciate songs to me, and then numerous songs. It was
and your new single, “Unmovable”, features a because of your connection to my Dad is that so crazy that God would put me in Hollywood
powerful duet with him. How did this recording Danny and I met during Hollywood Week, we Week sitting next to the one person here who
come about? actually got seated next to each other during would be able to sing my Dad’s songs. It was
one of the early rounds. I had written out a so crazy and another reassurance that God
[Shae] I had written the song along with a little notebook of Bible verses to encourage wanted me here for a purpose.
couple writers in Nashville, and I really felt myself while I was at Hollywood Week, and he like it was supposed to be a duet. When we noticed that I was reading these verses. So,
[WM] The song “Unmovable” is a clarion call
were thinking about who we wanted to join for believers to stand fast, reassuring us in
us on the song, Danny just popped into my the truths of the Faith, and perfectly set in an
head, because he carries such an anointing, anthemic, 6/8 time. Tell us about the song from
and of course his voice is great. But he is the standpoint of songwriting?
just so anointed, especially when it comes to
worship. Something about his voice really stirs [Shae] I’m the type of person where I like to
something in me and I thought it would be sing things that my soul needs to hear. I think
music is a very powerful tool to change the
great if we could have him on the song. We
August 2019
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