Worship Musician August 2018 | Page 88

The musical journey of a musician should never end . It ’ s always in process . Discovering how to groove better , develop more chops , learn the latest technology … etc . It ’ s all important . But let ’ s step back again and address the heart of the worship drummer . Keeping your focus on the Lord , serving the worship leader , and leading people into His presence is your highest calling . Everything else serves that .
There is a moment in worship services , and even concerts , where there is a tangible sense that God is in the room . Of course God is present everywhere , but I ’ m talking about that “ manifest presence ” of the Lord when people are singing , praising , shouting , clapping hands , dancing , etc . And yes , sometimes it ’ s in the silent moments of worship too . We always have to stay tuned in to the Lord as we play … or not play . Things will happen that can distract us from our primary goal and calling as a worship musician . Staying focused when distractions happen can keep you from losing heart , and help maintain your passion as you play .
At an event with the Paul Baloche band the Lord was drawing me closer to Himself . He was calling me to be more aware of His presence as I played . We had finished praying before the service , but it didn ’ t really feel like a profound moment of seeking the Lord for me . Honestly , I felt like I was struggling the whole weekend . The drum kit was great , but it was new to me , and I never really felt like I got it tuned up and dialed into the way I wanted it to sound . So that was the first distraction . Then it seemed like the sound or “ in-ear ” mixes were not really working well for us . And last , but not least , Paul was not really feeling there was enough energy coming from the band . I tried a few things to create some “ drive ” to the drum parts I normally play . He was not happy with the changes . It ’ s a bummer when you think you ’ re helping and it is actually having the opposite effect . Sigh … And so it happens . Some days are better than others .
In the middle of the struggle I sensed the Lord saying to just worship Him . Not to focus on what isn ’ t working , or isn ’ t perfect … but to just do my best and pour my heart into it . And so I put on my best “ game face ” and sat down at the drums to express my love for the Lord in what He has gifted me to do . As one of the pastors welcomed everyone and started to pray , the band started to play softly under what was being said . I honestly didn ’ t hear him ( the pastor ) very clearly , but the Lord spoke to me . He said , “ Play so softly that no one else can hear it , but I will hear it … and right now that is all that matters .” So for the next few moments I just used my fingers and played the drums and cymbals to worship the Lord . I was flowing with the other sounds coming from the band , but it was as soft as I could play it . If anyone else heard it didn ’ t matter . I was doing it at the Lord ’ s request .
It was odd … and amazing at the same time . My heart seemed to be refocused on why I was there and what worship is really about … and Who it really is for .
( I Chronicles 25:7 NIV - … all of them trained and skilled in music for the Lord .) Yes , I ’ m there so serve the band and the people , but my first calling is to make music for the Lord . I immediately felt spiritually recalibrated . As the band launched into the songs the flow of worship seemed to be stronger , and everyone responded with more passion .
The other issues were not fully resolved . It was better I guess … or maybe I just didn ’ t focus on the negative as much . Either way , it didn ’ t seem to matter . I just had the feeling of jumping off of a cliff into a perfect swimming hole . The presence of the Lord does that to me . I hope you feel that when you are worshipping too . I was still working hard to focus on the music and deal with some of the technical distractions . Just because I was having a good time in the presence of the Lord does not mean that I neglected the job I had to do . But being focused on the Lord and sensing His nearness gave me strength and determination to overcome them .
Carl Albrecht Professional drummer for 30 + years , playing with Paul Baloche , Don Moen , Ron Kenoly , Abe Laboriel , LeAnn Rimes and others . He ’ s also a clinician , author & pastor . Contact Carl with questions or inquire about lessons . www . CarlAlbrecht . com
88 August 2018 WorshipMusician . com