something like this together, especially with the with the series and what we think will get them the best guitars we can. This will challenge us
artist guitars and even with the Player Series. the best outcomes. Whether it’s a problem we because we will continue to disrupt ourselves
We know that tons of people are going to make want to solve with tone, feel, or whatever, when and as we go up the aspirational ladder. That’s
amazing music with these instruments. There’s you’re a product person you’re trying to solve really the approach we take.
a responsibility there to make sure we deliver problems and give solutions to people.
on the promise so that kind of stuff comes true.
[WM] Noting that the vast majority of the
It’s why we do it. It’s why we get out of bed in So, it really starts with what does the customer comments on the YouTube launch videos
the morning. want? What can we do to make this better are positive, the reaction to the Player Series
for the customer? Making sure the customer is super strong - congratulations! This series
[WM] The Player Series six strings share a understands what they are getting, can get you features 94 new SKUs across 19 models, which
number of common features like an F-stamped a little bit in the weeds with some people, but is a massive undertaking for any manufacturer.
neck plate, 22 fret C-shaped necks, more other people really like to dig in. At a high level When you started, were you planning on having
traditional body radii, and alnico pickups. While its really about the feel of the guitar, the tone of this number of options?
these core features add some great continuity the guitar, and the experience that customers of to the line, this offering has a ton of choices the Player Series are looking for. Is it authentic, [Max] It was pretty much a plan from the
in terms of finishes and pickup configurations. does it vibe, is it a true Fender? Does it make start as a replacement to the Standard Series,
Was refining the core features partially designed you feel good and lend you credibility? All the which had pretty much the same number of
to reduce option overload, and in turn how do things players look for when choosing their models and SKUs. In terms of our unit volume,
you present so many unique feature sets in a gear. this is our highest velocity category, so it was
way that is not overwhelming?
always planned to be this great in scope. It
The things that we addressed like the body takes a lot of due diligence, you’re looking at
[Max] We don’t choose the features of a guitar radii, pickups, 22 frets, those are all things that all the lines, models, what colors we want to
for the sake of simplicity for the end user from customers have given us feedback on in the past do, how we want to spec up the guitars, what
that standpoint. What we do is we choose the that we thought would be really good things to pickup configurations we want. All of this is
features that we think are going to create the address to make the instruments even better. based on the old series, customer feedback,
best result for the players that we’re targeting We continue to push the envelope and make our own data, new data, talking to customers,
August 2018