Worship Musician August 2018 | Page 6

be it the words, melody, tempo, and/or the years later someone sent me the MP3 of me them off to town so they can get something to anointing, why do think this song continues to singing that song with an acoustic guitar into eat, but Jesus has another idea. This little boy speak to so many people? my computer. It was Jeremy Riddle from Bethel brings the loaves of bread and fish to Jesus Church, and he said, “Hey, we’re recording an to offer some to him, and Jesus links arms [Phil] In a way I feel like you just answered album later this week and we’re looking for one with this boy to meet the needs of this whole it. The words, the melody, the anointing - that more song. We think this is it, do you mind if crowd. Alone that little boy with his offering thing that’s outside of our control where God we rewrite some of the verses and put it on our would have been barely enough to feed one just chooses to breathe. The story of that song new record?” Honestly, I was like, “I can’t even family, but when tied to Jesus that offering was is such an accident, and I love that about it. remember writing this song, so thank you for multiplied and overflowing, and I feel like that’s It’s not a ‘wake up from a dream with words even wanting to use it. Do whatever you want.” what God wants to do with us. He wants to link and melodies on my tongue just singing out in a arms with us and take the little things that we spiritual realm and writing’; it was the opposite So, it was a really roundabout way of God using have to meet the massive needs of our church of that. It was just me and my buddy hanging this little moment with two buddies in Nashville communities. We can’t do it on our own, but if out in Nashville talking about the grace of God. years ago. Not trying to write a hit or write a we do stuff unto Him to bless His heart, He can We were supposed to write a song but we song that our churches would sing, but just take those offerings of purity and multiply them ended up hanging the whole time. So, with in response to kind of getting blown away by beyond what we thought was possible. And about fifteen minutes left we wrote this quick the grace of God. I liken it to the story of the that’s what I see in “This is Amazing Grace”. chorus, and the chorus of “This is Amazing five loaves and the two fish where this boy has Grace” just flowed out. I didn’t think twice these five loaves and two fish, and there are [WM] “Living Hope” was co-written with you about it. We wrote the chorus and the bridge 5,000 men there plus women and children and Brian Johnson, and no surprise it is a and kind of had the melody and some random who haven’t eaten all day. The logical thing to beautiful song. Akin to receiving a special gift verse lyrics. I forgot about that song, and three say is go and let them feed themselves, send on Christmas Day, as a songwriter, musician, 6 August 2018 WorshipMusician.com