Worship Musician August 2018 | Page 42

would be a big one too. Daniel’s Collings Acoustics [WM] What are some of the things that define your approach when it comes to supporting what Chris is doing. [Daniel] Chris, as long as I’ve known him has always wanted the same thing. Kind of what I said earlier about him being very singular and focused, “I want to write songs that give people a voice to worship God.” That’s always been his heart. Another common theme has always been simplicity. It doesn’t mean it’s dumbed down, but Chris has never been someone who electric guitarist. They may just have acoustic, There were times we’d go into a live recording gets caught up in, “Let’s try to make the song keyboard, bass, and drums. We try really hard of a song and we had never even rehearsed it. more complicated musically.” If the band starts to find ways to communicate with every church So I’d have to just come up with something. to go down that road he always pulls us back to worship team, because that really is the heart Kind of by default I would write guitar parts that center. My playing has evolved to complement of what we do. made it on records and became part of the that. songs. They were really just the first things that [WM] What specific advice do you have for I thought of that just had to come out of me Chris wants a really simple, powerful chorus youth worship teams, for people where you because we had to have something. I think if that everyone can sing, and I want that too. If were when Chris Tomlin came into your life? you’re a young musician or guitarist trying to I can come up with a guitar part that is simple, Whether they are aspirational about doing what find a way to cover the song, find a way to powerful, and fits the chorus, then we are all you’re doing, or if they just want to serve with make the song your own so you’re forced to on the same page. Early going I wasn’t thinking the instrument in their hands or the microphone come up with some other guitar part, melody, about that so much. But once we were touring in front of them… or interlude. Something that forces you to be and Chris’ songs started to have a big reach in creative. That helps you grow in such a huge churches, we realized other bands and worship [Daniel] If you have any interest in creating leaders were playing these songs. Then I started your own music its helpful to learn other thinking about the worship bands playing these peoples’ songs and to lead them at your THE GEAR songs in their church. There was an element church. Chances are that your church is going [WM] As a ‘meat and potatoes’ player, what of knowing that when we were writing, people to want to hear those songs. If it’s a popular is your go-to gear, and what advice do you would want to take these songs and implement song - learn it, play it, and learn from the have for other ‘meat and potatoes’ players for them in their church. So let’s find a way to musicians that played that on the studio record. assembling a rig? approach the song that doesn’t pull them out Pick those things up. of it, one that doesn’t take the worship team way. [Daniel] Years ago I had a friend tell me, “I days and days to learn. Chris has always had a If you have a way to make it your own and create keep buying guitars and amps and every time heart for “I want worship teams and leaders to your own stuff, it’s really good as a guitar player I do I realize that I’m trying to pull the same be able to do these.” to learn the art of creating something, hearing sound out of all of them” which was his way something in your head and experimenting to of saying there’s a certain tone that my hands Even if we record a version of a song with big find that on your guitar. That was something and my ears have and no matter what amp or production or that’s more complicated, where that I was almost forced into on the road. Chris guitar I pick up - I kind of sound like me. That we really go for it with strings or guitar parts, would write these songs and there would be really stuck with me. He was a great player, and we will often go back and record an acoustic no music to it. It would just be him on acoustic I thought that really made sense. Every time I version to show, “Hey, if all you’ve got is an and he’d go, “Let’s go lead this at youth camp. plug into an amp somewhere, I’m trying to dial acoustic guitar, a Cajon and a keyboard, you Let’s go lead this at the church conference. the same sound out of it. At the end of the day can still play this song and here’s how we do Let’s go record this on a live record” with no I could have ten different friends come and play it!” We often do that, break the songs down, preproduction, no demo, nothing. my guitar through my amp and it just doesn’t because not every church is going to have an 42 sound the same as when I play through it. And, August 2018 WorshipMusician.com