was one they we’re leading a lot and thought
guys were doing. I was just so curious about
this kind of ministry opportunity?
that was a good place to start to just see how
how guys were getting their sounds. A lot of
it felt. I was very excited to be playing with guys [Daniel] I was traveling with guys who were a very kind and generous players in the worship
who had been playing together a bunch, and little older and more mature than me, so really community were very patient and kind to show
they were obviously really good. It felt like an early on I felt like I had to grow up. Our bass me the ropes, so to speak.
instant fit. player had a family and had a mortgage to pay. Chris had a career that was taking off, and even In turn, anytime someone asks me, “How
We sat on the couch afterwards and Chris though I was young I realized that I had to put are you getting this sound?” I love sharing
goes, “Well, here’s one big thing I’m concerned my ‘big boy pants’ on and make sure that if I that information because I remember what it
about. I know as his parents you are probably was asked to be somewhere I was on time. If was like to be the kid who wanted know that
interested in his education. What are you I had a song to learn, I had to learn it – that it same information. So any time that I can take
thinking about college? If we’re touring, Daniel was a real job. a few minutes, even if its five minutes – there
won’t be able to do both.” Chris’s favorite joke
were times that a guitar hero of mine told me
is that my dad was like, “Ahhhh, Daniel doesn’t We also played and toured with a lot of bands, something in five minutes and I’d go home and
want to go to college!” and the guitar players were all way better than work on what they told me for the next year. I
me. So even if there was ever any temptation think guitar players are kind of like a sponge,
to get any big-headedness or anything, we we just soak up what we’re around. I’ve always
would go on tour and I’d be like, “Well I can’t tried to be really open handed about that. With
[Daniel] My mom wasn’t there, but she was do what that guy is doing on guitar.” So, I would the church worship team, or anyone who I
excited. They both played music my whole life go right back to the drawing board, working can pass along some knowledge to. I love
and they both sang. My mom grew up mostly on my tones and my playing. I sort of looked doing that. Even if you share all your stuff with
in Nashville. Her dad was a music minister and at the early years of touring as a student. We someone, they’re going to take it and use it in
my grandmother taught piano lessons. Several were touring with some of my heroes, so I was their own way, find their own voice. No one ever
generations of musicians, so I think they were always picking their brains and taking note of sounds like someone else anyway.
excited that I was getting an opportunity to what pedals and what amps they used. What travel and play. I don’t know if they thought was better or why they chose this or that.
[WM] What did your mom do (laughs)?
Daniel is sharing his knowledge through a
then that I would still be doing it almost twenty
years later.
We did a tour with Delirious? and I got to be
series of insightful lessons via Rooted Music.
around Stu G for a month. At 18 years old that
That was the initial start, from the, “Hey I want was really life changing. Then we did a tour with [WM] It sounds like your curiosity to learn what
my first drum kit!” to Chris having a spot that Lincoln Brewster, and he was kind enough to your guitar heroes were doing has driven your
was open in the band. It was just one of those sit down with me and show me a few things – I passion to help raise up other guitar players.
weird things, to answer the question about the had a lot of questions. I really loved the student Tell us about that.
“God dots” as you call them. I really felt like all aspect of it, the touring and traveling. If we were I did was I served faithfully with whatever I was at a festival I would go out and watch as many [Daniel] I taught lessons in high school to
given. So when Chris came around naturally I bands as I could to try and hear what the other help pay for gear, which turned out to be a
said yes, and it just kind of fell on my lap. Other great investment going back to us being in
than saying yes, and working really hard at my Chris’ kitchen. I had a really nice guitar, a
craft, I don’t really feel like I did much to earn boutique amp, and some good pedals. Not
my spot, it was a gift. that you need all that, but I worked really hard
teaching guitar lessons to pay for that stuff. I
TRIAL BY HIRE think it was really a joy I discovered when I was
[WM] Demonstrated by how long you’ve teaching. It was really fun to help people and
been an integral part of his band, Chris saw see progress in students. I enjoyed passing
something in you that was more than just along what I had learned, and helping the light
a guitar player. In the same way that guitar bulb come on for young guitar players. I don’t
players have God-given talent and also work have the bandwidth at this moment in my life to
do lessons out of my house, but it does sound
on their chops, what are some of the things in
your character that you had to work to shoulder
Nigel Hendroff aka ‘Droff & Daniel
August 2018
fun. But teaching online, or a video course,