Worship Guitar Talk with
Guitarist for Chris Tomlin
Pro guitar player, super nice guy, great role
By Doug Doppler
you tell us how the “God dots” got connected?
model, and gear head are the first things that
come to mind when I think of Daniel Carson. [Daniel Carson] Growing up my dad was a
From an informal audition in Chris’s kitchen (with worship pastor as well as a youth pastor. He
a full band I might add) to stadium-filling tours, also played guitar, really loved music, and he
Daniel has been there since the beginning! So, would lead worship at the church. He was kind
with that out of the way, say hello to Daniel of an old rock n’ roller kind of guy. He loved
Carson… Classic Rock and played guitar all the time so
I grew up with all kinds of Classic Rock and
BORN AND RAISED UP Country music in my house. He never really
[WM] You literally grew up playing guitar in forced guitar on me. I think it was one of those
church, which is how you met Chris Tomlin. Can things he loved so much that he was scared to
August 2018