Blue Amber Photography
say, “I want to figure out how to spend time I can openly admit that I haven’t always been
on the journey with people in that way.
with God every day.” It might take you a little the best at knowing how to spend time with time to learn to love seeking the presence of God. But, when I went on the journey with [Five] Have fun. If you’re not having fun,
God. There are probably some people out there someone who helped me find a devotional people aren’t going to stick around, so have
who don’t know what I’m saying, so what I’m that I liked to do, I slowly just learned to love fun everybody! As a leader, it’s so easy to
saying is there is no condemnation in Christ. In seeking the presence of God. We’ve got to do feel the stress and feel the weight and be the
2 Corinthians it says, “Christ’s strength is made that with our people. Have open and honest one person in the room that’s not having fun.
perfect in our weaknesses, therefore I’m going conversations with our people. Ask them how But that branches out, so everybody should
to boast all the louder of my weaknesses.” their time with God is going. How are they have fun.
doing? Do they enjoy reading the Bible? Going
August 2018
Blue Amber Photography