chink. I feel like that in my life.
buy tickets, they clap for me and it feels like even after these amazing moments of realizing
I’m worth something - I’m secure, I’m doing who I am, if I’m not intentionally pursuing the
There are some things that are really difficult for a good job. To lose the thing that makes me heart of God and understanding His heart for
other people that have been easy for me and feel like I’m worth something made me feel me I can slip right back into feeling like I have
then there are other things that I struggle with. really lost. In that I realized how I’m putting to prove myself. That insecurity, rooted in pride,
I find that If I let that chink in my armor be seen so much of my self-worth and identity in the saying I have to prove myself, I’d say that’s a
and I stop putting it into the hands of God and things I’ve accomplished and the things I can struggle I have.
try to take care of it myself - or I give into fear, do or have done. When those were stripped that is the place that I keep getting hit. away I realized how fleeting those things are. In Another thing is balance. People ask how I
that was a beautiful moment where God really balance my work life, personal life, family life,
I’d say one of them is assessing my value in spoke to my identity, “Hey Phil, I’m the maker and spiritual life. The answer is that I have no
what other people think about me. I remember of the stars, I’m the Savior of hearts, and I am idea. Sometimes we hit it right on the
when I lost my voice a few years ago, I had the Father to my children and I call myself the money and sometimes we don’t. I’ve found it’s
to get surgery on my voice and there was a Father to you. You are my child and I am your not something you learn and say, “Great, I’ve
possibility I would never really sing again on Father. That’s the biggest identity you have and got balance!” It’s more like a guy on a
the road. When the doctor told me that it was you can rest in it.” For the first time, I started tightrope who’s got to keep moving forward
going to be intense and a lot of rehab and resting in this idea that before I’m a musician or and keep making adjustments. So long as my
hopefully I can get back to singing again, right a singer, no matter what the iTunes comments wife and I are doing it together, it seems like our
then I just thought, “Man I feel so lost.” That’s say under my new record, I am a child of God. support together is our biggest way of
how I prove my worth. People come and sing I think that is so freeing when we start to truly combating imbalance.
with me and tell me I’m doing a good job. They believe that. I would say that’s one thing that
Singalong tour with Bryan & Katie Torwalt, and Mack Brock
August 2018