Worship Musician August 2018 | Page 13

the more contagious our love for Him is. So, to get a clear view of God we need to focus on Jesus. He’s the clearest view of God we have ever been given. All that being said, I think just opening up the scriptures and having the stories and the words of Jesus resonating in our hearts and bring that to the stage with us and letting that contagious response run through the crowd and affect your church, to make people burn on fire for Him. [WM] What advice do you have for aspiring musicians?  [Phil] If you’re a musician, my advice would be practice. I’ve found that with people who put their heart and soul into something and also have a gift, eventually the good stuff rises to the top. I’m not much of a chef, but I think there’s some kind of cooking analogy in there, where if you boil something, stuff rises to the top, the good parts. I think that with talent and gifting, you first have to put feet to your face, so to speak, and put time in and practice. But if there’s the gifting there and it’s invested in, I think it’ll rise to the top and you’ll get opportunities to share that gifting. If you take that further, the advice I give to worship musicians is anytime you have an opportunity to lead, serve, or to be a part of a worship band is great. Obviously practice and know your stuff, but there is nothing sweeter, more refreshing, and more useable than a heart that’s ready to serve. You go to God incarnate, Jesus, and you see that when He came into a room with the twelve disciples at this really special Passover dinner, where He deserves the most honor and to be served, He comes into the room with a rag around his waist like a servant, with a bowl of water and a washcloth to wash his disciples feet. So, for you guys who are taking the stage to lead, whether you’re a worship leader or playing drums, our responsibility is to come into those moments saying, “How can I serve this moment? How can I serve the people in front of me and bless the heart of the Father?” Even if that