A long time ago, on a stage far away, I had a team members understood it, 2) current team 8. IT PUTS ALL THE FOCUS ON WOMEN’S CLOTHING.
young team member show up on a Sunday members get reminded of it, and 3) I have a As followers of Christ, we should take seriously
morning in a skirt that was, um…well, yeah. plan to address issues as they arise. the principles found in Romans 14:13-23
about not causing a brother to stumble. But
And with the height of our platform, it was
5. IT DOESN’T REMIND PEOPLE THAT WORSHIP I’m afraid in some circles, we’ve put all the
IS ACTIVE. onus on women to keep men from lusting. A
Another time, I had a male team member arrive Nothing invites the congregation to worship woman could wear a neck-to-ankle gunny sack
in a deep-V T-shirt. Emphasis on deep. like a bare belly button, right? Raising hands and still have some men thinking inappropriate
and jumping around can cause wardrobe thoughts.
about to be a PG-13 service.
We dealt with both issues appropriately, and malfunctions. Remind your team to wear things were great with the team members. But clothes that can allow them to express their So, let’s be ardent about the modesty but NOT
with each dress code infraction (and all others worship physically without an embarrassing or blame women for a guy’s problem with lust.
since), I’m forced to go back to our guideline distracting incident occurring.
document and determine if that was part of the
6. IT DOESN’T ADDRESS ANY CAMERA OR Is your church formal? Informal? Would
LIGHTING ISSUES. your church struggle with tatted or overly-
Over the years, I’ve discovered an array of I once learned (a tad too late) that one of my pierced musicians on the platform? Would a
issues with my dress code policy. You might team member’s very modest and appropriate Fender t-shirt, ball cap, and ripped jeans be
have a few of these problems with yours, too. skirt turned risqué when backlit. appropriate? Or is a tie required? No judgment
here for any of that. Just be sure that your
Here are 10 big ones:
Not only can the lights affect our clothing, but policy considers YOUR culture, your standards,
1. YOU DON’T HAVE ONE. certain colors and patterns can seem OK in- and who you’re trying to reach.
That’s mistake #1. Everyone has different person but get wonky on-camera. If lights and standards video cameras are a part of your service, take 10. IT DOESN’T REMIND PEOPLE OF WHY.
that into account in your dress code policy. If you get nothing else from this article, get this.
regarding modesty, fit, style, color, or neatness.
Too many times we inflict rules and policies on
Don’t trust common sense. Spell it out.
When in doubt, encourage subdued colors and our team members without giving them the
2. IT’S NOT COMPREHENSIVE ENOUGH. patterns. Not only will this help with lighting/ vision of why.
I used to have a pithy guideline that I thought cameras, but it lowers potential distraction.
We have a priestly and dual role as lead
would work: dress appropriately and modestly.
Wrong. Again, different people have different 7. IT DOESN’T ADDRESS MODESTY ISSUES worshipers. First, we worship God. Second,
notions of appropriate and modest. SPECIFICALLY ENOUGH. we are helping others worship God. So, we
This one really falls under #2, but it’s important are called to engage and encourage the
3. IT’S TOO DETAILED. enough for its own point. Some of the current congregation to enter into worship. We can’t
There gets to be a point where the dress code “appropriate” styles in our workplaces, schools, (and shouldn’t) be invisible, but we can (and
can become too Pharisaical. Dress codes get and social settings are NOT appropriate for should) do everything in our power to move the
too complex when leaders create a new policy worship leading—both for men and women. attention off ourselves and onto Jesus.
out. Man- or woman-up and have a tough Tight pants and shirts, uncovered leggings, Our attire is part of the visual engagement of
conversation with that person rather than short skirts, low-cut tops, etc. will distract leading people towards worship. What we wear
making a new rule. from worship. So be specific with your team. should be intentionally chosen to bring glory to
Again, not everyone has the same notion of God, not attention to us.
for every isolated incident. It’s just wimping
I found I needed a system to make sure 1) new
August 2017